March 24, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Summit County Citizens Voice "Global warming could pose threat to fur seals in Antarctica"

Bob Berwyn is shameless.

Knowing full well that he has never received any fully factual, accurate or direct from her, op-ed insight into what 'SandBox Nanny' really thinks about the global warming theories.......he is shamelessly attempting to pull her out of her privacy with photos of adorable fur seals and a catchy headline.

But then again......who can really blame Berwyn for his curiosity regarding  what 'SandBox Nanny' really thinks (or) 'who" "SandBox Nanny' really is as a person?

When 98%  of what is out there is all word crafted by others?

Should she lay the issue to rest and share her personal beliefs on the global warming controversy?

Sure, why not. as shameless of a manner as Bob Berwyn soliciting page views with his photos of adorable fur are going to have to keep 'waiting for it'.  No doubt, there will soon come a good piece from someone out there on global warming that she will put an op-ed on.

Will that someone be Summit County Citizens Voice?  Wait for it.

All credit:  Bob Berwyn

SandBoxBlogs: Summit County Citizens Voice "Morning photo: Starlight"

Photo Credit:  Landscape astrophotographer Daniel McVey, Summit County: