March 5, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Aspen Daily News "Power of Four Ski Mountaineering Race"

And the moment the world has been waiting for has finally arrived.

How did Lo Semple and Ro Marolt finish in the Power of Four race this past weekend?  Exactly, how.

Aspen Daily News:

37 27 Mens 12 Lo Semple 8:46:34 8:46:36
37 27 Mens 12 Ro Marolt 8:46:36 8:46:36

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

1 comment:

staple said...

and it's finally morning in Aspen.

this is the best those 2 old goats could do?

not sure why I bothered to read all that spin back and forth in the papers and then bet on them.
