March 5, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Meadows housing plan hung up over fee waivers"

John Stroud:
"....The waivers are necessary to show city support for the project, to go along with $11 million in low-income tax credits that were awarded to the project by the Colorado Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), Hud Karshmer of Denver-based Steele Properties emphasized at the March 1 Glenwood Springs City Council meeting.

“Without the fee waivers, you're pulling the bottom out of the house of cards,” he said....

.....Robert Macgregor, developer of the larger Meadows project, warned that CHFA may not look to Glenwood Springs again for a tax-credit-supported housing project if the city doesn't agree to fee waivers for Glenwood Green.

“ThIs would be the final nail in the coffin,” he said. “You won't see another affordable housing project in this city....”  (Read more?  Click title)

Maybe that's a promise from Macgregor instead of still yet another threat.  Taxpayers can only hope.  Wouldn't it be terrific to see the developer who built the falling apart "Ghettos" pack up and leave town?  There are a lot of Mom and Pop businesses who lost everything to all things Meadows and a number of builders, sub-contractors and construction industry local businesses who are still trying to recover financially from these kinds of schemes and perk demands from Macgregor and cohorts.    

Thank Buddha!  If it really is a promise instead of a threat.

As far as the 'house of cards' falling down if Macgregor doesn't get to feed the greed; Hud Karshmer sounds a little confused.

It's 'The Ghettos' and it already is falling down.
(whisper...whisper...what 'stinking' cards??..we "don't need no stinking.."cards....whisper...)

Mary Noone made a lot of sense awhile back, didn't she?  Did Council listen?

Obviously not if we are now stuck with a 'public street' that is actually a dead-end road  built on constantly shifting ground.

Let's see....who's up next that can be cleaned off that dais in the next council race?

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