October 31, 2011

SandBox Comments: Commentary Magazine/Contentions "Optimistic or Pessimistic About America: William Kristol"

"As Yogi Berra pointed out, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Even more so if, to quote Yogi again, “the future ain’t what it used to be.”

What the future used to be—or at least what it used to seem to be—was intelligible. The liberal account of the future was generally optimistic, and the optimism was based on a belief in the ineluctable course of history, or on faith in the victory of enlightened leaders and progressive movements over reactionary forces and premodern prejudices. There were basically two conservative accounts of the future. One was pessimistic, judging the distempers of modernity too powerful to resist successfully for long. The other was more optimistic, looking to the possibility of some sort of conservative restoration or awakening...."
(William Kristol, via Power Line)

(Read the rest of this terrific column in Power Line's series?  Click title.  Comment to discuss)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Commentary Magazine "Optimistic or Pessimistic About America: Joseph Nye"

"Polls show widespread pessimism about America’s prospects. Such moods reflect the slow growth and fiscal problems that followed the 2008 financial crisis, but they are not historically unprecedented. After Sputnik, Americans thought the Soviets were 10 feet tall; in the 1980s, it was the Japanese. Now it is the Chinese.

The United States has very real problems, but the American economy remains highly productive.

America remains first in total research-and-development expenditures, first in university rankings, first in Nobel prizes, first on indices of entrepreneurship, and fourth in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s most competitive economies (China ranks 27th). America, moreover, remains at the forefront of such cutting-edge technologies as biotech and nanotechnology. This is hardly a picture of absolute economic decline...."
(Joseph Nye)

(Read another terrific piece in this series over on Commentary Magazine?  Click title.)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Power Line "Who Is Barncat Jones?"

"I have no idea. But maybe someday that question will resonate along the lines of, “Who is John Galt?” Barncat is a musician and satirist of considerable talent. We linked to his Elvis Presley parody, “The Solyndra Song,” here. Now Barncat has come out with “Hope & Change,” a Springsteen adaptation sung to the tune of “Glory Days.” Which seems appropriate, given how far behind him President Obama’s glory days are.

Here it is. Pass it on. This sort of satire is a potent weapon–”Hope & Change”...."
(John Hinderaker)

(Take a listen?  Click title.  Comment to start discussion)

SandBox Comments: LA Times "Election laws tightening in GOP-run states"

SandBox Comments: Stars and Stripes "In the Afghan city of Herat, the young are restless as war grinds on"

"HERAT, Afghanistan — Near the heart of this traffic-clogged western city stands a fortress almost as long as three football fields, with battlements that rise 10 stories above the swarming streets.

The Citadel of Herat traces to the Timurid dynasty of the 15th century. The Sunni Muslim tribe declared Herat the capital of its vast Persian Empire, and the brick stronghold was the crown jewel for ensuing regimes that seized the city.

In the 1970s, the Afghan government converted the imposing structure into a museum. The Taliban were less civic-minded, bolting artillery guns on the parapets and torturing political prisoners in the dirt courtyards.

With the help of $1.2 million in U.S. aid, the ravages of time and the Taliban have been repaired. Earlier this month, Afghan and U.S. officials presided over a ceremony celebrating the citadel’s restoration.

On a recent afternoon, Omid Mojaddidy, 30, a Herat native, ascended the steep, curling stairs inside a corner tower, stepping from shadows into sunlight when he reached the top.

The country’s third-largest city spread out below him, an urban labyrinth of some 400,000 people. The majority live in mud-brick homes as primitive as the dwellings of the Timurids.

He blew out a long breath. The climb hadn’t tired him. He was suffering from history fatigue.

“Enough with the past,” said Mojaddidy, who has resided in the city his entire life except to attend college in neighboring Iran. “Tear down the citadel, get rid of the old buildings....”
(Martin Kuz )

(Read More?  Click title.  comment to start discussion) 

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "Learn the facts"

" When the appeals court recently ruled that voted anonymous ballots are indeed public records, instead of enabling and engaging public comment and expert opinion on whether or not to appeal the decision to the Colorado Supreme Court, City Council held a secret meeting.

In this meeting they “directed” Aspen’s city attorneys, who both have massive conflicts of interest, to potentially spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to fight the ruling,  — after all, it was Marilyn Marks who brought the original suit.

Meanwhile, Aspen’s bi-partisan Election Commission will be democratically engaging the public on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 4 p.m. in council chambers to discuss the ruling and the issues at stake for Aspen should the city (read: Mick) pursue a legal battle with statewide implications on election integrity.

Mick and his councilmen seem to prefer sending the not-so-subtle message that “City Hall knows how you vote.”

Marilyn, on the other hand, along with Colorado’s election activists and most citizens say, “No one, especially the government, should know how anyone votes.”

Be there. Learn the facts. Join the discussion."

Elizabeth Milias

"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Push poll by the Times?"

"Interesting poll question today. Are you interested in Marilyn Marks' “crusade?” Would the results be different if the question were presented as, for example, “Are you interested in City Hall's refusal to comply with a unanimous opinion of the Colorado Court of Appeals?” Or, “Are you interested in the activities of a local citizen who relentlessly holds to account public officials who might be ignoring their public duties?”

Just curious.
(Maurice Emmer, Aspen)

"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Your Letters "Chamber shouldn't take up CMC gallery space"

A special thank you to Cynthia Thomas of Glenwood Springs for having the courage to speak up on this Chamber related issue.

Taking the most prime location left in downtown and turning it from a viable gallery and retail space into a spot for the Chamber of Commerce to house themselves has more than just those in the shadows riled up.

There has been talk for years of getting the Visitors Center away from the upper Grand Ave. location of the chamber and housing that information in kiosks downtown. 

Spread it out a bit and put the whole thing in locations that aren't going to charge us $70,000 a year, are maintained by volunteers and the businesses who advertise in them and all in high visible locale where people can actually find our Visitors Center. 

There has never been any real talk of bringing the chamber downtown.  With the overall lukewarm relationship the chamber has always had with downtown merchants, the idea is not a hot one all of a sudden.

If the idea does fly, then the chamber needs to not take up viable retail space and instead lodge themselves somewhere that suits what they are.  A business environment.  Not a sales environment.

Again, a thank you to Cynthia for not only speaking up but doing so honestly and bluntly enough so that her voice gets heard above the corporate stranglehold:

"This letter is in regard to the Post Independent article of Oct. 20 about the chamber negotiating to move into the new CMC building.

I am all for our chamber having a presence downtown, but not at the expense of the CMC Gallery. There was to be a gallery in the new building, a rather nice one, but in these days of “corporate greed rules,” CMC has decided to rent that space to the Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Association.

Where would the gallery go? Maybe in the library in 2013 or 2014? If they build it and there is room.

There is a perfectly good space that CMC is vacating where the present gallery would make a wonderful chamber kiosk. The space is very visible downtown, right on the corner of Ninth and Grand where all of the tourists could see the chamber literature through that huge glass window.

Why sell that building and then take space away from the gallery to squeeze another business in, and then try to figure out where to put the gallery? It just doesn't make sense.

What is it that they are not telling us? Are they really planning to make this permanent? Why else would they rent the space out that they have already earmarked for the gallery?..."

(Cynthia Thomas)

(Read the entire letter?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Domestic gas better than foreign imports"

"While development shouldn't happen everywhere, understand that there are a lot of us who depend on clean water, clean air and good jobs. Not all of us received millions of taxpayer dollars for conservation easements on our big ranches (such as one certain ranch on Thompson Creek in Pitkin County), not all of us are executives at SkiCo or work for nonprofits, and not all of us have the time to tell our side of the story that the gas industry is saving our families. We're too busy getting up early making a living and paying taxes and doing our best.

And guess what? Sen. Udall receives money from a local gas industry too (Oxbow), and from SkiCo executives (Auden Schendler), and over $20,000 from just one environmental PAC, so does that mean that “umpire” has been bought off too?

Hypocrisy goes both ways. But also when I see so much hatred against the gas industry from upvalley folks, recognize there are a lot of us who are your neighbors, friends, buddies on the ski lift, parents at the kid's plays, who are making a living with the gas industry.

Can it be done better? Sure, but don't villainize the industry and the quiet neighbors who leave early in the morning, and get home late in the evening, just happy to have a job.
(Robert Strong, New Castle)

(Read the rest of this terrific letter?  Click title.  Comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Grand Junction Daily Sentinel "State looks to open up fracking"

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "New emissions study planned"

A special thank you goes out this morning to investigative reporter John Colson.  For reminding us of Garfield County Commissioners high commitment and dedication to air quality in GarCo.

Over on the Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Summit Daily News "Summit County telemarker's world-record skiing streak continues another year"

(Learn more?  Click title.  Comment to start discussion)

October 29, 2011

SandBox Comments: KKCO News 11 "Colo. Attorney General reviews controversial dispensary letter "

"DENVER, Colo. (AP) - Attorney General John Suthers found the letter by Dan Hartman, director of the State Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division, didn't violate a ban on public officials' using public resources to take sides in elections, Suthers spokesman Mike Saccone said Friday.

But Suthers did determine the letter was "unethical," Saccone said...."

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)

SandBox Comments: KREX 5 "Father and Son Found With 49 Pounds of Pot"

"Mesa County - A father and son face a number of charges after an officer discovered 49 pounds of marijuana in their vehicle. 32-year-old Dionel Gutierrez and his father, 57-year-old Oscar Gutierrez, were arrested on I-70 near Mack when a Drug Task Force deputy noticed their SUV drifting on to the shoulder repeatedly...."
(Christina Marrazza)

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Silt trying to get $1.8M to upgrade town water system"

Does SandBox Nanny 'have it in' for John Colson?

Absolutely not.

Does John Colson deliberately poke, prod, antagonize and otherwise borderline abuse  his power as a local investigative reporter?


Has he done so for years?

Pretty much.

John Colson is often seen by locals as a 'radical liberal'.  A 'moonbat'.  A 'left loon'.  All proudly carried by John  titles in his weekly column  "Hit and Run", up on The Aspen Times.

The question SandBox Nanny has for Colson today on this article, is related to how obvious it is that he's struggling with having to put out 'clean' and 'no yellow ink' reports.

Yesterday the hit on the Town of Silt was angst at the lack of childcare for the Silt anti-gas group.

Today, Colson seems to imply that the Town of Silt should go round up money it does not have, and do a capital improvement on the water system because of a couple of fairly unsubstantiated water quality issues over the past two years.

 If Nanny recalls correctly, the issues had something to do with illegal sewage dumping by a local company.

Here's the question for John Colson:

Is there anything the general public can do, to help you ease into some kind of comfort level with your new role of community oriented reporting?

We'll be glad to help.

just sayin.

SandBox Nanny sends out another big thank you to Silt Mayor Dave Moore and his administration.

For holding the line on not spending more than what comes in.

For still managing, within the first balanced budget in many a year; to keep Silt not only thriving but growing.

For being creative in finding this terrific grant money that will take the burden off the backs of the folks out here paying taxes.

Keep up the great work.

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SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Letter to the Editor "Does city have a secret?"

"After the City Council has repeatedly refused to allow an agenda item and public comment on the decision, the Election Commission scheduled a public dialogue for 4 p.m. on Nov. 1 in the City Council chambers. All City Council members and the public have been encouraged to attend by Election Commissioner Ward Hauenstein...."
(Marilyn Marks)

Provocative wording?    Yes.

Makes her point well and you're listening to her?  You betcha.

Liked by most readers?  Doesn't matter.

Worthy cause?  Debatable.  Most think very worthy.

Deserves to be ridiculed, defamed, slandered, shunned and abused with verbal assaults?  No.

Political activist making great strides in catalyzing entrenched issues within local, state and national  politics?  Yes and doing a terrific job worthy of high praise.

Needs to be personally liked or socially acceptable to the majority in order to do  that terrific job?
Nope.  But should  be.

Any of the above can be said about Marilyn Marks.

What's important in this post is the information on the Nov. 1, 2011 community input meeting.

Because if you have something to say about Marilyn Marks?

Please go say it there or cease and desist the public onslaught of defamation or slander against her.

just sayin.

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SandBox Comments: Colorado Springs Independent "Stranger than fiction"

Curses, foiled again
"Stephen Frankie Daniel, 21, was caught robbing a gas station convenience store in Snellville, Ga., by police Lt. B.W. Brown, who happened to be waiting in line behind him. "The manager was laughing at the time he was putting the money in the bag because he was looking at me over the guy who was robbing him," Brown said, noting that Daniel apparently didn't notice Brown's uniform or the plainly marked Snellville Police Department pick-up truck parked outside the store.
(Atlanta Journal Constitution)

"Michael Wayne Aurillo, 27, stole a charity collection jar containing $35.78 from the counter of a convenience store in Williston, Fla., only to be arrested before he could make off with the loot because off-duty Marion County sheriff's Sgt. William Dietrich was standing behind him. (The Gainesville Sun)"

Drinking-class hero
"A 21-year-old man walked into what he believed to be a casino and asked for some blackjack chips. It was actually the University of Nebraska-Lincoln police station. Sgt. John Backer said the desk clerk turned the man away, but he returned a few minutes later. This time, officers administered a Breathalyzer test. The unidentified man blew .273 — more than four times the legal limit — and was placed in protective custody. (Hasting's KHAS-TV)"

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)

October 28, 2011

SandBox Comments: Commentary Magazine "The Case for Optimism"

"There is a growing propensity to place the blame for the disastrous fiscal and economic condition of the United States on the supposedly damaged spiritual condition of the American people. President Obama himself, inclined these days to blame the nation’s economic woes on his predecessor and on millionaires and billionaires, stepped on his own storyline recently when he told a Florida TV reporter that the American people had “gotten a little soft.” By saying this, he was echoing the view that something had gone wrong inside the body politic over the past decade or longer. The American people wanted benefits they didn’t want to pay for; they borrowed money they didn’t have; they refused to make tough choices. “The richest society the world has ever seen has grown rich by devising better and better ways to give people what they want,” Michael Lewis, the most influential financial journalist in America, writes in his new book Boomerang. “The boom in trading activity in individual stock portfolios; the spread of legalized gambling; the rise of drug and alcohol addiction—it is all of a piece.”

This secular-Calvinist argument..."
(John Podhoretz)

SandBox Comments: Commentary Magazine "The Case for Pessimism "

"In September 2009, Barack Obama and Muammar Qaddafi both addressed the United Nations. It is a pitiful reflection upon the Republic in twilight that, when it comes to the transnational mush drooled by the leader of the free world or the conspiracist ramblings of a pseudo-Bedouin terrorist drag queen presiding over a one-man psycho-cult basket case, it’s more or less a toss-up as to which of them was the more unreal.

Qaddafi spoke for 90 minutes, and in the midst of his torrent of words, his translator actually broke down and cried out, “I can’t take it anymore.” The colonel gravely informed the world body that the swine flu was a virus that had been created in a government laboratory, and he called for a UN inquiry into the Kennedy assassination on the grounds that Jack Ruby was an Israeli who killed Lee Harvey Oswald to stop the truth coming out about Kennedy being killed to prevent an investigation into the Zionist nuclear facility at Dimona.

On the other hand:..."
(Mark Steyn)

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Power Line "Undercover Syria"

This is one of the most though-provoking reports on life in the Middle East we think we've ever seen.

A must watch.

"According to Wikipedia, Unreported World is a foreign affairs program produced by Quicksilver Media Productions and broadcast by Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. It holds itself out as traveling to dangerous locations all over the world in an attempt to uncover stories ignored by the world media. I’ve got a few candidates for them right here in the Twin Cities.

In “Undercover Syria,” broadcast on October 14, reporter Ramita Navai spends two weeks living undercover in some of the most dangerous parts of Syria with members of the opposition movement determined to overthrow the Assad regime. This 24-minute report provides a riveting view inside unfolding events in Syria...."
(Scott Johnson)

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Antero plans increased drilling activity south of Silt"

Cheap shots at Silt Mayor Dave Moore.  Even by John Colson's standards, these insinuations by Colson are cheap shots.

Seems that Colson is wanting strokes for 'alerting' the Town of Silt administration that deadline was on for submitting comments, etc. on Antero's expansion of drilling on Silt Mesa.

So, let SandBox give you those strokes, John.

We send out a sincere, big thank you to investigative reporter John Colson, over on The Glenwood Springs Post Independent for coming to the aid of all the  anti-gas drilling Silt residents who forgot to check on the status of their comment submission to regulators.

We're pretty sure Silt Mayor Dave Moore is thick-skinned enough to be holding up under Colson's  criticism. 

Drill baby, drill.

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Craig Daily Press "Shell focused on exploratory operations near Craig"

"A Shell Oil Company rig that had been delayed in operations and was sitting at the corner of Ranney and First streets is now onsite and drilling, a company spokeswoman said Thursday...."
(Joe Moylan)

SandBox Comments: Aspen Journalism "Developer Related not faring well in Base Village lawsuits"

"SNOWMASS VILLAGE — The developers of the stalled Base Village project at the base of the Snowmass Ski Area have been quick to blame the Great Recession for the project’s current state.

But as a series of lawsuits between the developers and its lenders and investors show, there were a number of decisions made along the way that, in hindsight, can be seen as contributing factors..."
(Brent Gardner-Smith)

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Crested Butte News "Stumbling blocks slow funding for economic group "

"The Economic Development Council (EDC) has been making the rounds in search of funding for its first year of operation. Members of the EDC have been appearing before the Board of County Commissioners, the town of Mt. Crested Butte and the city of Gunnison to request financial participation from governments and business alike...."
(Alissa Johnson)

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SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Derek Franz " Providence moves, too"

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” — Goethe

SandBox Nanny agrees with Michele.

He is a very special writer and one of our favorites too.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitance, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, providence moves, too. …

Begin it now.”  (Goethe)

(Read this week's column?  Click title, comment to discuss)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

October 27, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Melanie Sturm "Governing-class warriors misinform and demoralize"

SandBox Nanny just realized another major downside to The Aspen Times limiting sign-on to apps ability to only Facebook.

Melanie Sturm is a beloved opinion columnist in the area.

Usually racking up between 200 and 300 'recommends' each time she publishes.

Most locals will not use the evasive to privacy "Facebook only" option to logon.  Swift Communications, CMNM and The Aspen Times really need to expand logon ability to all other mainstream social apps.

Wonderful article (as usual) out of Melanie Sturm today.

Up on The Aspen Times.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: The Right Scoop "U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jailed For Doing His Job "

"Only in Obama’s America would a U.S. citizen risking their life in order to protect the United States border be arrested simply for doing their job.  In the latest border atrocity, Agent Jesus E. Diaz was arrested, indicted by a federal grand jury and sentenced to two years for the use of unreasonable force. Unreasonable force which consisted of (are you ready for this?) lifting the teenagers arms...."
(Right Scoop)

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Sunset plugs Glenwood as a November destination"

"GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colorado — Sunset magazine's November issue features a two-page travel article touting Glenwood Springs as an ideal off-season day trip destination.

“The tourist herd has thinned, turning this hot-springs town back into a serene village ideal for preholiday pampering,” writes Steve Knopper, a Denver freelance writer and author of a Moon handbooks guide to Colorado.

“Serene village” may not be the phrase that comes to mind for locals, but snappy writing and appealing photos make our fair city sound like just the place to be in November.

“Day trip Glenwood Springs” plugs the Glenwood Hot Springs Pool, the Yampah Spa and Vapor Caves, Sunlight Mountain Resort, along with tidbits on eateries, shopping, lodging and side trips to Carbondale, Redstone and Rifle...."
(Heather McGregor)

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Summit County Citizens Voice "Breckenridge: Forest summit meeting comes to CMC"

"SUMMIT COUNTY — Conservation experts, forest managers, loggers and scientists will gather at Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge this week to pow-wow once again on the condition of Colorado’s devastated lodgepole pine stands.

"The Colorado Bark Beetle Collaborative summit meeting is set for Friday, October 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge.

A science panel will discuss the ecology of lodgepole pine forests and the future of post-beetle forests from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

The next session is a Q & A moderated by Dr. Tony Cheng, associate professor in forest policy and director of the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at Colorado State University...."
(Bob Berwyn)

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Summit County Citizens Voice "Colorado: Hiking Mount Harvard"

"The  Collegiate Peaks west of Buena Vista provide many beautiful and challenging hikes within an hour of Summit County. The peaks are part of one of the ten largest wilderness areas in the U.S. Over the past several years, I have scrambled over the long boulder fields of Mount Harvard a few times. At 14,420 feet, the summit of Harvard is the third highest Fourteener in Colorado.

My first ascent of Harvard on a hot August day ended with me hunkered down in a blinding snowstorm with a covey of ptarmigan among the rocks at about 13,000 feet, then drenched in a heavy rain on my retreat down Frenchman Creek...."
(Kim Fenske)

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October 26, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Letter to the Editor "Meet the art police"

Making it's way into today's 'Crime and Courts' section of SandBox Commentators is the stunningly bold criminal act that occurred this past week at The Aspen Art Museum.

Shocking that this kind of major  crime has hit Aspen, Colorado.

Is this the beginning of our seeing another side to paradise?

What could possibly be next?  Obviously, this crime wave is tied to the 99%. We can only assume the worst given the strength in numbers.

If this wasn't so sad, it  would be amusing.

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "PitCo says no to DA salary increase, favors smaller bonus"

(Note from Nanny:  Because of the imbalance in competitive reporting between the Times and the Daily on this piece (and) because of the inflammatory to the public comments reported as made by both the PitCo Commissioners (and) DA Beeson; comment ability on this post is blocked.)

Aspen Daily News:

"Newman raises concern about ‘overzealous’ prosecutions""The Pitkin County commissioners rejected a planned salary increase for the tri-county prosecutor’s office on Tuesday, asking District Attorney Martin Beeson to swap his planned 2 percent pay bump in 2012 for a 1.5 percent end-of-year bonus.

The county has planned such a bonus for its own employees.

Commissioner George Newman also told Beeson, who heads up prosecution in the 9th Judicial District, that area residents are displeased with what they see as “overzealous” tactics in his Aspen office, and questioned him about recent sanctions levied by a district court judge against prosecutors.

In his annual budget meeting with the commissioners, Beeson proposed a $3.2 million budget for 2012 that included a slight decrease in spending from this year. Even with the proposed raises, the budget is shrinking, mostly due to the elimination of a prosecutor in Rifle an health insurance cost savings. Budget revenues include more than $600,000 from Pitkin County. Garfield and Rio Blanco counties also contribute.

Other than the raises, the commissioners supported the DA’s proposed budget...)
(Andrew Travers)

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SandBox Comments: Denver Post/Breaking News "Feds: Arrests take 80 armed gang members off the streets"

Thank you to all participating agencies, officers, agents and federal prosecutors participating in this major gang bust.

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SandBox Comments: KREX News 5 "Murder Suspect's Bond Set at $1.5 Million"

"Grand Junction - Bond is now set at $1.5 million for one of the men accused in the murder of a man outside of a local Taco Bell. Jorge Alberto Carrasco was shot and killed outside of the restaurant on North Avenue in Grand Junction in mid-July. Christian Fuentes was extradited to Mesa County from Palo Alto, California, where he was arrested on a probation violation shortly after the shooting..."
(Hilary Martin)

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SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "BOCC endorses Thompson unitization request"

Aagghhh.....(SandBox Nanny)....sigh....rolls eyes.....

John Colson:  "Federal land managers should move ahead with a “unitization” request for natural gas leases in the Thompson Divide area, no matter what Colorado's two U.S. senators have to say on the subject, say the Garfield Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)...."

Maybe because it's not political and the majority of Garfield County do not appreciate the bullying tactics of the groups trying to block? 

Or, maybe because people in the region have become more confident in speaking out?

GarCo BOCC is finally hearing their voices and responding to more balanced community needs?

John Colson:  "Udall and Bennet have asked that the unitization request be opened up to public involvement, while the industry believes it should remain an administrative decision made by officials in the BLM."

Thanks to Scott Tipton (R-Colorado) the public does have a major voice with open talks on Thompson Divide.

You remember him, Mr. Colson? 

Our Third District Congressman?

The folks are sure glad he's around.

After all, The Thompson Divide Coalition, Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) and Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) have never held any kind of public meeting that was not heavily seeded to anti-industry.

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/John Stroud "Tipton bill would fund education through expanded drilling"

A special thank you goes out to reporter John Stroud for running this piece on The Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

It is not very often that positive reporting, unless it is a press release or column done by  the conservative politician themselves; that conservative news makes it into any publication of the PI.

That's a shame.  There are so many wonderful works throughout the area that are fueled by conservative values.

Congressman Scott Tipton (R-Colorado) and his Education and Energy Act of 2011 would  place 33 percent of the federal portion of oil and gas revenues in Colorado toward both K-12 public education funding and post-secondary education funding.

This revenue is based on only new lease revenues that  are unappropriated as of yet.

Tipton's Education and Energy Act  would eventually bring our public schools to the level of self-sustained.  Easing the pressure off taxpayers and giving more stability to our school districts and for our kids.

Especially if Coloradans can ease confining regulations, increase sensible environmental responsiblity in a pro-energy development environment and drill, baby drill.

(Read more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "Council still unmoved on Aspen Walk redevelopment"

The highly coveted lol from Nanny this morning goes to Curtis Wackerle.  Up on The Aspen Daily News....

"Aspen’s form of Chinese water torture also known as land-use approvals continued at Monday’s City Council meeting..."

To truly relate, one needs to have experience in the regional construction industry.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Steamboat Today/Jimmy Westlake "Fall offers glimpses of galaxies"

Professor Jimmy Westlake:

"One of my favorite times of year for sky-watching is early fall, when the nights are clear and cool but not yet frigid. On moonless autumn evenings, one almost can see to infinity. In fact, the fall sky offers the opportunity to see the two most distant objects visible to the unaided human eye...."

"Well...", SandBox Nanny says that her fav time of year is....

When Jimmy Westlake announces it's time for his Cosmic Calendar sale.....

(Want to see terrific photos of the stars?  Click the link above.  Read more?  Click title)

October 25, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "DA asks for approval of reduced budget from Pitkin County"

"The percentage of contribution to the DA from each county is determined by state law, and is based on population rather than caseload. This has been an exasperating reality for the commissioners of Pitkin County, which represents 21 percent of the population of the district but just 11 percent of the prosecuted crimes.

In last year’s budget meeting with Beeson, Commissioner Michael Owsley called the arrangement “patently unfair.”

Garfield County carries 70 percent of district population, and 74 percent of felony cases and 80 percent of misdemeanor cases. Rio Blanco carried just 8 percent of the population but 12 percent of the DA’s caseload...."
(Andrew Travers)

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start  discussion)

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Tipton opens talks on Thompson Divide drilling"

Congressman Scott Tipton (R-Colorado)  doesn't do a  lot of  talking.

He's a listening kind of guy.  Prefers to take what he hears, return to Washington and create the best balance for  all sides.

He must be doing a good job because the sleaze attacks aiming at everything from all kinds of industries and their donors (not just oil and gas) donating to his campaign within all guidelines and regulations (to) attacks on his family have begun.

Thank you goes out to Congressman Scott Tipton for a job well done.

(Learn more? Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

October 24, 2011

SandBox Comments: KREX News 5 "Bath Salt Drugs Banned by the Drug Enforcement Agency"

(See related stories and comments here)

The words "emergency action" are so ominous.

Here on the Western Slope of Colorado we've been following the stories, press releases and information from Two Rivers Drug Enforcement Team, DEA, local and regional law enforcement about 'bath salts'.

"The chemical used in a street drug known as "bath salts" is temporarily banned in the U.S.

The Drug Enforcement Agency took emergency action Friday, making it illegal to possess and sell these chemicals or products. The particular chemical is called mephedrone, MDPV, and methylone, and it will be banned for at least one year.

Officials say bath salts, which go by names like Ivory Wave, Purple Wave, Vanilla Sky and Bliss are comprised of the chemicals that when snorted or smoked, act like cocaine or LSD...."
(Hilary Martin)
(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)

SandBox Comments: CNS News "Mexican President: US Puts 'Absurd Curbs on Migration,' 'Persecute[s] Migrants,' 'ViolatesTheir Human Rights'"

Inquiring minds want to know. 

If  there was a major disaster of some kind on our side of the border that had Americans fleeing to Mexico.....would they open the border, clothe, educate, heal our sick, provide shelter, jobs and food for us?

Surely, Presidente Calderon can see the irony of this statement of his (?):

"There are many factors in the violence that is being experienced in some Mexican border cities, but one of those is that the American authorities have gotten into the habit of simply deporting 60 (thousand) or 70,000 migrants per year to cities like Ciudad Juarez or Tijuana," Calderon told an immigration conference.

Among these deportees "there are many who really are criminals, who have committed some crime and it is simply cheaper to leave them on the Mexican side of the border than to prosecute them, as they should do, to see whether they are guilty or not," Calderon said. "And obviously, they quickly link up with criminal networks on the border."
(Mark Stevenson)

Support ICE and all participating law enforcement as they continue to 'dump' back into Mexico.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

October 23, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News/Dave Danforth "Those who forget history"

"We don’t read enough history. But we do blame lawyers for lots of things. And for things they can’t get done.

It was something they couldn’t do that may bring home all U.S. troops in Iraq by the end of the year.

Imagine what lawyers can accomplish by doing nothing. Multiple world leaders, two American presidents, over one million troops fighting abroad for eight years, over 4,000 casualties (not including Iraqi civilians) and countless political brawls could not bring an end to hostilities there.

Instead, leave it to a little scuffle over American demands that our troops get immunity from prosecution. When Iraqis, unexpectedly, wouldn’t agree, President Obama felt he had little choice but to abide by a Dec. 31 deadline negotiated by President Bush to get us out of Iraq...."
(Dave Danforth)

(Read more?  Click title.  Comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

October 22, 2011

SandBox Comments: Commentary Magazine "The Liberal Misappropriation of a Conservative President "

Excellent piece from Steven Hayward.

"Of all the unlikely developments in American politics over the last two decades, the most astonishing is this: liberals suddenly love Ronald Reagan. They have taken to celebrating certain virtues they claim Reagan possessed—virtues they believe are absent from the conservative body politic today—while looking back with nostalgia at the supposed civility of the political struggles of the 1980s.
“There’s something there I miss today,” mused the former Democratic staffer and longtime talk-show host Chris Matthews in January about the relationship between Reagan and House Speaker Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, the most powerful Democrat in Washington during Reagan’s first term. Matthews dreamily evoked a time when Reagan and O’Neill had drinks together, swapped Irish stories, slapped backs, and, they say, cut deals with a minimum of personal rancor—as opposed to the ugly relations between the two parties today.

Even more notable is the fact that Reagan has become a model for presidential governance for . . . Barack Obama..."

SandBox Comments: Pueblo Chieftain "Thiebaut testifies at redistricting trial "

The beleagured DA of the 10th Judicial District, Bill Thiebaut (D), is rarely out of the news the past two  years.

Now in what is shaping up to be one of the hottest political races in the state, Thiebaut is trying to save his seat as the 10th's district attorney.

There is one pattern in his style that is not likely going to change.

Which just may end up being to his  detriment politically. 

"DENVER — Pueblo District Attorney Bill Thiebaut undressed the congressional redistricting process on Friday with blistering candor that witnesses who preceded him during the two-week trial dared not show...."
(Patrick Malone)

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)

SandBox Comments: Garco Sheriff/Press Release "October 21, 2011"

Again, we introduce you to FRED.

"Since the existence of the Sheriff’s computer forensics and Internet investigations, known as FRED (Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device), in the Annex near Rifle, investigators promptly began analyzing the material. They were able to secure an arrest warrant based upon solid material evidence versus purely circumstantial findings. In the past, this type of evidence processing turn-around with the Colorado Bureau of Investigations office in Grand Junction or the Rocky Mountain Regional Computer Forensics Lab in Denver would have taken three to six months due to the enormous amount of material they must routinely process.

The Garfield County Sheriff's Office possesses specialized high tech crimes and computer forensic analysis capabilities as part of the Investigations Division. Specialized computer hardware, software and law enforcement techniques were used in this investigation as well as in all other investigations involving the exploitation of children undertaken by the Garfield County Sheriff's Office. The Garfield County Sheriff's Office is also a member of the ICAC (Internet Crimes against Children) task force.

In the last 13 months, Sheriff’s investigators have completed 25 such evidence analyses in-house whereas, prior to construction of the computer forensics room at the Annex, they averaged 13.5 a year since late 2006. Concerning Salmonsen’s case, investigators have thoroughly analyzed and documented over 500 gigabytes of data for the court proceedings...."

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)

October 21, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Aspen Times online comments return"

 Logging on and seeing a couple of faces she recognizes from out here in the world of the shadows is a good feeling....after all....they've been the same people all along, eh? 

Congratulations to all the 'kids' on this one.

Here's Nanny's take on the technical aspects that The Aspen Times is attempting to get us all to fall for through Ryan's 'propaganda' today. 

Thank goodness, the world of social networking and blogging is a lot more savvy than the Times seems to think.  Not to mention the real people out here are fairly intelligent and astute.

"If" the real problem with comments was due, in part, to financial considerations;  then it is true that they solve that problem by becoming a simple 'app' to Facebook.

However, the same freebie can be had off Twitter and Digg. 

Which are two social networks that don't give out the personal information of the account holder. 

Facebook cannot even be privatized in personal settings to the degree that makes it impossible for someone to know (or very easily figure out) where an individual lives.  Where they work.  Who their family and friends are.  In the environment of this area, that is a very serious concern for many.

Twitter and Digg do.

Because one of the very real problems Swift Communications has had with online comments in the past, is predator trolls creating real harm to individual lives, political figures and businesses; SandBox Nanny feels that if Swift Communications was truly sincere in favor of full accountability they would add other, more private apps that give the option of just the person's real name (or) real company name being exposed.  No other details allowed.

Since SandBox Nanny and SandBoxBlogs are facebook page holders, under those 'real names'; we'll be sure to use the Times new app.  During those always infrequent times we may wish to opine on a Swift publication.

With that said, it is still troublesome to see the continued stance of what really amounts to arrogance and snobbery from Mr. Slabaugh as he pens the announcement.

Never once has Swift ever held themselves accountable to the consumers they desire to purchase subscriptions to their newspaper (most of which go on over and subscribe to the Daily).

(whisper...whisper....sounds like Danforth can count on more subscribers drifting on over...whisper...whisper...it's the principal of the thing...whisper...whisper.....)

However, SandBox Nanny has no doubt that commentators on the Times will continue to call Swift out on that very significant detail.

Congratulations to the readers of The Aspen Times.  Hopefully, the PI will get cranked back up very soon as well.

It is about time.

Our use policies and successful philosophy can be found here.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 20, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "I will champion Mulcahy's crusade"

Here's to the little guy.

Let freedom ring.

(See who's champion of a crusade?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Geologist believes that burning coal seam can generate power"

A must read from John Colson this morning. 

Over on The Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

An innovative, intriguing proposal to harness the energy that  underground coal fires generate.

“...This will be a self-sustaining, non-polluting operation, in today's jargon, a sustainable green business,” Maness wrote. “When we are finished, when all that can burn has been burned, the fires will go out. That will be a significant benefit to the city and to the surrounding region....”(John Colson)

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SandBox Comments: Power Line "If Corporations Aren’t People, How Can They Be Greedy?"

The concept of SandBox Commentators is primarily based on the awareness that people are wired to talk.

The idea of a daily news summary blog, that only puts up the 'news' others report or publish, is fundamentally based on the awareness that individual free will is the most highly effective tool to eventually expose full disclosure and truth.

Let someone show you their real agenda, motivation, heart and soul by simply letting them have whatever they think is their heart's desire at any given point in time.

In the world of  24/7 'news', we take our small part of the world and simply look for patterns, organize the stories, toss them up and let free will and free speech reign.  Sort of like a tracking and filing system of 'news' that otherwise would be lost in the speed of light world of 24/7 media.

Amazing how effective and truly non-judgemental (no matter what kind of commentary is given) that can be.  When you're not the source of the report and others are; commentator opinions and views are the ultimate reveal of the consumer pulse.

For example, we've had a local opinion columnist and a very vocal local woman (both with far left of liberal views) pontificating and full-blown flaming the statement 'corporations are people too'.  Been listening to them for some time now on this particular topic.  Lordy, lordy!  How they've managed to stretch it out into so much spin, even SandBox had to stop tossing up their efforts just so we could take a little rest from overexertion. How patiently we've waited for these two die-hard drummers to realize the idiocy of their own words:

(whisper...whisper....now would be a good time to go up and re-read the title of this post....whisper...whisper....)

A very special thank you goes out to John Hinderaker over on Power Line for this terrific piece:

"...A few weeks ago, Mitt Romney observed that corporations are people. This prompted hysteria on the left, including a video produced by the Democratic Party. But of course Romney was right. A corporation consists of its owners, i.e. shareholders, and its employees–people. It is an elementary principle of law that a corporation can act only through its employees and agents–people. The Democrats’ apparent belief that you can hurt companies without hurting people is absurd. The corporation is merely a legal form in which people do business, now several hundred years old. It is absolutely necessary for any major commercial enterprise because its existence can continue without disruption beyond any one individual’s lifespan. So being “anti-corporation” is equivalent to being pro-medieval...."
(John Hinderaker)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." 

October 19, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News/Richard Cohen "The irrationality that is Iran"

"A mere moment or two after the Obama administration announced it had discovered and thwarted a plot by Iran to murder Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States by bombing a Washington restaurant, the doubters started to air their doubts. Columnists and experts, even some columnists who were not experts, said the Iranians would never be so sloppy as to commit a virtual act of war by setting off a bomb in the nation’s capital. The plot was crazy, they said. I agree. But so is Iran...."
(Richard Cohen)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: The Guardian UK "Iran's alleged Mexican hitman was US drugs informant"

"The Iranian plot the US government says aimed to murder Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Washington allegedly fell down because a member of the Mexican Zeta drug cartel hired to carry out the job for $1.5m was actually a US informant.

The informant told the Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA) in May that he had been contacted by alleged Iranian agent Manssor Arbabsiar. They held several meetings in Mexico which were taped. Methods discussed reportedly included a targeted assassination and a bomb...." 

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SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Your Letters "Schilling bears responsibility for officer's dual involvement"

Oh, puhhhleeeezze...

How could this one be so off the mark and so sanctimonious in this letter?

SandBox Nanny is pretty sure Chief Schilling feels for all sides in this but especially for Officer Agon.

One has to ask what the point of a letter like this is in the first place.

Especially when all one has to do is go to the Garfield County Sheriff website for Just the Facts.

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Aspen Skiing Co. 'didn't do well enough' last season"

And yet, after hearing very specific and direct concerns, complaints and dissention from local, regional, national and international workers and customers; Aspen Skico still resorts to excuses and disinformation as propaganda to the masses.

Reality, is that Beaver Creek, Vail Resorts and Breckenridge refuse to discount rooms and hold sales.  Instead they offer more value and are light years ahead of Aspen Skico with pass offerings, infrastructure and overall guest experience.

What a shame Skico keeps making the situation worse by not accepting the fact that numbers steadily decline because...it's about them.

Here's to the little guy in Aspen.  Hanging on, hoping to survive the double dip recession while Aspen Skico stays flat.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 18, 2011

SandBox Comments: Colorado News Agency "House’s Pace seeks more answers on overpayment glitch"

Sal Pace is going to need all the help he can get trying to wipe out Congressman Scott Tipton (R-Colorado).

Guess he's figuring he'll take whatever he can get.

Even a major problem in our outdated state technology that the Colorado GOP has been pounding for years on the Colorado Democrats to do something about.

Wonder if there will ever come a day when taxpayers can charge something like this outrageous overpayment to the 'guilty' 'party' that 'helped' the problem into existence?

"Democratic House Minority Leader Sal Pace, of Pueblo, fired off a letter today requesting that an audit of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment already underway be expanded to learn why  the Unemployment Insurance Division overpaid beneficiaries by $305 million in benefits.

“The overpayments should be of concern to every Coloradan,” Pace wrote in his letter to the Legislative Audit Committee.

Pace said it was recent reports of overpayments as well as a move by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper—directing the department on Wednesday to work with the federal Department of Labor on adopting new strategies to detect, eliminate and recover overpayments—that prompted him to make the request.

Pace is asking for a review of how the overpayments happened, a look at  accounting procedures within the department’s Unemployment Insurance Division, and for recommendations to prevent any of it from happening again.

“We have an obligation to make sure we fully understand the extent of the problem,” said Pace.

Sen. Scott Renfroe, R-Greeley, who sits on the audit committee says he supports Pace’s request.

“It’s appropriate to ask for this,” said Renfroe. “Government needs to be efficient with taxpayer dollars. Clearly, shining a light on an area that may need correcting is the right thing to do.”

The Legislative Audit Committee must first approve the request before the state auditor can delve into the issues Pace raises...."
(Debi Brazzale, Colorado News Agency)

"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Letter to the Editor "Voters like Su Lum are the problem"

"Dear Editor:

After reading Su Lum's column in Wednesday's paper, I have to wonder why she is given space in your newspaper (“There's an election in progress, sort of,” Oct. 12, 2011, The Aspen Times.)..."

(James F. Dowley, Aspen Colorado)

Another 'well spotted' letter from a local.  This one up on The Aspen Times.

There are positive signs that Swift Communications is trying and in many areas succeeding, to clean up their publication and turn both The AspenTimes and Glenwood Springs Post Independent into publications we may someday be proud of again.  Especially The Times.  Who we must add, is almost there.

Better yet, the most positive change is out here in readers of these publications.  Have you noticed the major shift in power?

Folks pushed back the bully(s) and are now seeming to want the cleaner house to stay that way.

Where do readers go when the problem isn't bias, censorship, gonzo journalism, yellow ink and the love of just simply writing deceptive flamers?  Where do they go when the problem is the quality of the content?

Such as the opinion column of Su Lum.

Maybe they speak up.  If they care about the publication's business success.

If they don't care, they simply do their subscribing with The Aspen Daily and take advantage of the free copy of The Times and PI.  Figuring that sooner or later, the problem will resolve itself through the course of a natural business death. 

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." 

SandBox Comments: Denver Post/Breaking News "Report: U.S. Pro Cycling Challenge brought 1 million fans and $83.5 million to Colorado"

Now, the big question on local's minds...is what is The City of Glenwood Springs going to do to cash in on the Pro Cycling frenzy?

"All of the sudden, Colorado has jumped to the top of wish lists for people around the country and the globe," said Al White , director of the Colorado Tourism Office...."

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 17, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News/Sheldon Fingerman "The Aspen money hole"

"Want to know where your tax money goes. Well, some of it is going into a hole in the ground thanks to Mick’s love of geothermal energy. You’ll also be pleased to know that in order to accomplish this, the city’s noise ordinance was increased to 80 decibels. Not terribly loud, but I wouldn’t want to be living near that site at 7 a.m. Yup. Let’s get rid of plastic bags and increase the noise.

And we’re also throwing money at attorneys. Mick seems so incensed that Marilyn Marks almost beat him he’s willing to take this ballot thing all the way to the Supreme Court on our dime. Mick, anybody who watched Grassroots TV already saw the ballots as they flashed by. I’m more concerned the mail-in ballot I just received has my name and address on the envelope. Whoever opens it can easily see who and what I voted for.

And Marks is right. What if the ballots had to be hand counted (remember Florida)? The money we’re spending on this is nuts. Anyway, you go girl.

We also lost money on the bicycle race, and now we’re prepared to spend more on the next one. As far as I’m concerned the episodes of the Bold and the Beautiful, featuring Aspen, did far more to help Aspen’s image than the bicycle races.

While I’m not a fan, I did watch some of the “Aspen” episodes and the town looked fantastic.

And speaking of bicycles: I can’t believe our money is also going to a bicycle-sharing program. According to the Aspen Daily News, the startup costs are going to be between $500,000 and $600,000. $600,000! That’s for eight kiosks and 100 bicycles. That’s $6000 per bike! You’ve got to be kidding! Can you say Solyndra?..."
(Sheldon Fingerman)

(Could Sheldon possibly have more to say?  Click title)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: KJCT News 8 "State's MMJ Employees to Unionize"

Surely, they must be joking.

What a potential quagmire this will be if they're not.

With the chaos surrounding everything to do with Medical Marijuana in Colorado, one would think more common sense would prevail.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." 

October 15, 2011

SandBox Comments: Pueblo Chieftain "Chostner: DA fought a losing battle "

Destined to be a flamer of a political race for 10th Judicial District DA, incumbent Bill Thiebaut and challenger Jeff Chostner are back in the news.

The duration of this race should be closely watched by tuning in to commentary.  Pueblo folks have proven they have some things to say on this one.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Local News Briefs "Biz-Opoly trade fair emphasizes ‘buy local' options"

The latest gimmick from the 81601 tourism marketing vendor: Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Association, previously met with such scathing negative reviews all over the region in  commentary; SandBox Nanny almost took pity on the concept by not tossing up the launch to the kids today.

Here's what changed her mind:

First, the population of 81601 was 'sold' on using the current marketing plan through the use of a lot of 'Big Talk'.  And the simultaneous oxymoron 'reality' of not having a public vote.  Just like so many things in Glenwood Springs such as medical marijuana, 'back-in' parking, The Ghettos 'improvements' and continued development, Midland Avenue, public art, 200 large+ spent on the concept of 7th Street's 'Sea World', the debacle of how poorly the construction is on the Community Center, traffic calming on Grand, the 'political statement' of the city's comprehensive plan, capital improvement projects using tens of millions of dollars of borrowed 'good deal' money in the middle of the first worst recesssion in history and the ongoing issues of major public relations problems; the folks really don't have any say at all in how they are led or how their tax dollars are spent.  Not really.  Not in Glenwood Springs.

The conclusion of her first point? 'Big talk' is not only paid 'Big Money' to perform; as a vendor trying to play in the same 'Big Leagues' as all the thriving tourism promoters surrounding 81601; the logical assumption is that they are "Big Kids" who should not be sheltered from the review of the general population they serve.

Nanny's second point, is that there are no city screened checks and balances on tourism marketing performance in Glenwood Springs.  We have no media that is not 'owned', we have a fledgling city council that is just finding its sea-legs in standing up to the rigors of performing sworn duty, we have a partially strong citizens tourism board that is heavily seeded with special interests, we hold the now three year rank of the lowest in the region when it comes to tourism and sales revenues (and) we can go nowhere in prosperity until we clear  a minimum 60% deficit in our tourism performance.

Simplistically, her point sums up to: 

Where, exactly, are the folks supposed to go in order to speak up freely if she doesn't toss this up out of her sincere feelings of pity on the cartoon concept of 'Glen Wood'?

As one more of her long-standing in the community business friends, recently decided they had no choice but to close their doors due to inability to withstand the continued 'year' of reckoning' here in Glenwood Springs...SandBox Nanny thinks it's best, now that the ink is nearly dry on the 'Big Deal', to let 'Big Kids' finally begin to first-time ever face the shock of being treated just like the rest of the business community.

A word of caution to commentators:

There is so much fodder in the truth here on this article, you have no reason whatsoever to get overly personal at any one individual.  You are being moderated closely on this one.  Stick to public information and public viewpoints only.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Grand Junction Daily Sentinel "Casper Ghosts float into region as new Grand Junction Rockies"


Congratulations to Grand Junction and all the folks in Mesa County!!

What a coup!!

Now, go after every single idea the folks in the Grand Valley and western I-70 towns of Battlement Mesa, Rifle and Silt have to help you (and them) bring in some regional tourism bucks.

"Goodbye, Casper Ghosts. Hello, Grand Junction Rockies.

"The only thing standing in the way of a minor league baseball team settling in Grand Junction is Monday’s City Council vote.

The owners of the Casper Ghosts, the Monfort Investment Group, met with city officials in Casper, Wyo., on Friday. After that meeting, they announced that, pending Monday’s vote, the team will move to Grand Junction for the 2012 season...."
(Patti Arnold)

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion) 
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 14, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "High court won’t hear DA’s appeal of sanctions"

"The Colorado Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal by the head prosecutor of the 9th Judicial District regarding sanctions handed down by a local judge.

For what she called a series of blatant missteps involving pretrial evidence in five cases, Judge Gail Nichols of Pitkin County District Court in August punished the Aspen district attorney’s office by quashing a statement made by the defendant in an aggravated motor-vehicle theft case.

The judge also said she would not allow police photographs to be used at the trial of Jesus Aguilera-Pimentel. Without the statement and the pictures, Chief Deputy District Attorney Arnold Mordkin said he could not prosecute Aguilera-Pimentel, 25, of Carbondale.

District Attorney Martin Beeson appealed the sanctions to the state high court on Sept. 28. His office was notified just two days later that justices would not be reviewing Nichols’ decision...."
(Chad Abraham)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Pueblo Chieftain "Troopers honored for nabbing Doughertys "

SandBox sends a special thank you to all who assisted in this bust.

"Buneta and four other troopers who pursued the Dougherty siblings Aug. 10 through Pueblo and Huerfano counties along Interstate 25 were honored Thursday at a ceremony in Golden.

Buneta, and troopers Brian Kohnlein, Clayton Mock, Rodney Noga and Gary Schaaf were all recognized for their apprehension of Lee Grace Dougherty, Ryan Dougherty and Dylan Stanley-Dougherty.

Additional awards were presented to Capt. Brian Lyons, Sgt. Wallace Lathrop and police communication technician Michele Garcia.

The three good Samaritans who helped capture Ryan Dougherty also were recognized.

David Vucetich of Walsenburg, Dave Dallaguardia of Pueblo and Shane Zibinski of Trinidad were honored...."

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." 

SandBox Comments: Snomasokist/Johnny Boyd "Why I Quit “Snomasokist”"

“...I thought I could continue working for the corporation, but like all corporations there is always something lacking,” I said. “Things get done, but there is no heart. It became evident that CMNM had no intention of putting any effort into the Snowmass Sun. The new editor was probably low-balled on her pay, but the head honchos weren’t expecting much from her in return, so it didn’t matter. The Sun is being written by public relations and media affairs hacks that turn out press releases. The Sun prints them verbatim and sells advertising. Easy work if you can get it. When the advertisers wise up to the fact that they’re paying good money for an empty vessel, the paper will fold. I couldn’t be a part of that and look myself in the mirror.”

“You quit because the paper has no heart?” Jake asked, incredulously. “I didn’t think you had one...”

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Derek Franz "When a tree falls in the woods"

Become reacquainted with one of SandBox Nanny's favs.

Derek Franz.  Over on the Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

The very best writers are the ones who can take their heart and put everything they are inside into words that capture a feeling readers can relate to.

Not just write so that you understand a specific message. But write so that you can feel them, what makes them tick and the specific message they're conveying.    

Unless you are such a writer, you have no idea how very difficult that is to do when your own heart hurts.

Welcome back, Derek.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 13, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Blame cronyism, not capitalism"

Melanie Sturm:

"...The income inequality the Occupy Wall Street protesters decry results from this crony capitalist system that allows policymakers to distribute economic favors to special interests in the form of bailouts, preferable tax treatment and favorable regulations.

Conversely, capitalists like Steve Jobs who rely on free markets, private financing, American ingenuity and hard work, create more prosperity for more people.

Most Americans don't need to Think Again. We prefer capitalists like Steve Jobs to “crony capitalists” like Fannie Mae, whose government-abetted ransacking of the economy is the root cause of Americans' despair..."

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Silt to keep 2012 budget tight, close to 2011 level"

Silt Mayor Dave Moore continues to set the example to all neighboring municipalities on how to live within your means.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Your Letters "Charge tuition instead of raising taxes"

Vote NO on 3E.

"...How can this district ask its friends and neighbors to fork over money they don't have? Consider a lesson from the business world: Learn to do more with less.

If these parents are so concerned about the quality of education available to their children, here's a thought: Ask them to pay for it.

It's not a secret that the local school St. Stephen's, operated by the Catholic Church, offers a superior education to that offered by its public counterparts. Yes, St. Stephen's charges tuition.

It's no wonder that the interest in establishing charter schools is at an all-time high. Why not adopt the school district's policy in Douglas County whereby taxpayers were returned some of their property taxes in exchange for the parent's right to send their children to either public or charter schools?

And just a reminder to the average taxpayer: Wait until Obamacare kicks in, and we will be asked to relinquish even more...."

(Karen Foster)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "New Atkinson Trail officially opened"

The controversial Atkinson Trail project is beautiful.

There is no doubt that 81601 will enjoy the amenity and the trail will eventually add tourism dollars to our economy.

Only problem left?

How to pay for it as we 'start' 'Glenwood Spring's 'Year of Reckoning'.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 11, 2011

SandBox Comments: Denver Post/Breaking News "Sheriff: Jeffco inmate shot as he tries to escape"

"A jail inmate was shot this morning during an attempted escape by a deputy who was taking his charge to a medical facility, the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said.

The incident happened at about 11:40 a.m. in the 700 block of Heritage Road in Golden, said Mark Techmeyer, a sheriff's office spokesman.

A deputy was taking an inmate to undergo "medical imaging" when the inmate took off running, Techmeyer said.

The deputy gave chase and shot the escapee, Techmeyer said.

The inmate has been taken to a local hospital. The deputy was not hurt.

This story will be updated as details are released."
(Kieran Nicholson)

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October 10, 2011

SandBox Comments: Tree of Mamre/John Scotus "With Class Warfare, Be Careful What You Ask For"

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Coloradoan "Voters to decide on funding for operations, maintenance of Larimer County Jail"

"The financial future of the Larimer County Jail and potentially the county itself could be at stake in the Nov. 1 election.

Issue 1A on county ballots asks voters to consider repealing two 0.2 percent sales taxes and replacing them with a 0.375 percent tax to fund jail operations and other criminal justice programs...."
(via The Coloradan)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "City trips over its ego in Marks case"

"New reports also say the city thinks the court's decision is unnecessary because, in the city's unilateral view, the election was transparent enough. Well, that isn't the legal issue. Citizens have rights in this state that are not left totally to the discretion of city officials. That is the law, according to the Court of Appeals.

After reading the opinion I cannot help but conclude that the city is wasting everybody's time and money. This dispute is an argument looking for a reason; there is no reason, only emotion, ego and pride. Little people never admit mistakes. Big people admit mistakes and move on. Move on, Aspen...."
(Maurice Emmer, Aspen)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 9, 2011

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/John Colson "Driving job creation, energy savings"

The steady rising in caliber work of John Colson on his environmental reporting is noted.

One can pick up on, if they find the patience to give him a chance today; Colson trying to tune in to the more 'conservative' viewpoint.

SandBox Nanny once again tosses Colson to the 'kids'.  Where he will sink or swim.

With that said, she does have her own personal viewpoint on the topic of selling the value of 'clean energy jobs' and 'clean energy spending' to voters.

It's not that conservatives don't see the value.  They do see the need and they also see the long-term benefits.  The problem is the government's administration.  By the time these grants and loans are handed out, the only real monetary benefit there is goes to the business receiving that handout.  Conservatives believe in free market, entrepreneurial oriented 'green jobs'.

Take the government 'grants' and 'loans' out of the equation and the concept works.

A secondary problem is credibility.  Solyndra is going to have many consequences where public trust is concerned. CLEER, now becoming 'Garfield Clean Energy' is not free from alleged scandal.  Pretty tough to trust an organization when the public doesn't trust a few of the Trustees.  It would behoove Garfield Clean Energy to make sure their public relations are improved before they put out too much PR singing the praises of the programs they are pitching.

Nice work from John Colson today.  Over on The Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

October 8, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "How’s that soap taste, son?"

As far as we're concerned, the fav columnist toss is between Danforth, Sturm, Nitze, Advice Goddess and Lorenzo Semple.

For this week, Semple wins.  (Read the whole thing..)

"Growing up in a small town like Aspen is cool because you know all the cops. Sure, we ran from them (still do), and got in trouble all the time, but I can’t recall ever being compelled to swear at a cop. Not to mention there’s way more creative ways to get under a policeman’s skin — verbally that is. See me in my office — Highlands Bowl — for a detailed list. All of them will work against your favor, guaranteed.

Swear words, phrases and such are fabric of our language and pop culture, but they also are like spices in the food we eat — too much can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Not to mention cussing shows a lack of intellect. That’s probably why I curse so much. It’s because you just can’t come up with another word. It makes you sound stupid. Regardless, it’s all protected free speech. The line of legalese becomes more blurry when these words are used with the intent of causing a violent reaction.

But when done right, a four-letter word can sound romantic, renegade, jubilant, contrarian and altogether appropriate. The comedian George Carlin was famous for his “Seven Dirtiest Words” skit. It’s a real knee-slapper. For some reason I’m particularly impressed when elderly people swear; toddlers and women too. Swearing in songs can pack a punch also, when done right. There’s a song by the Sex Pistols called “Bodies” that’s a good example of this. I always respected the stubborn artists who wouldn’t alter the lyrics of their songs for more exposure on the radio.  

The “F bomb” is one of the most versatile words in the English language. It can be used as a noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb, an exclamation and a question. “Scarface” taught me that back in high school. I remember seeing the “F bomb” scratched on a bathroom stall in the Yellow Brick lower elementary school. It stood perfectly on its own, probably because the kid who put it there was actually incapable of writing anything else.

Thanks to our Constitution, these words are protected. Freedom of speech and thought are the foundation blocks of America. Try telling that to my grandmother. She was more interested in cleansing bad words from my mouth at an early age. I was in first grade at the time when I decided to push the envelope a little bit and try out a word in front of her. The word is totally innocuous — so much so that I can write it here now, even in a highly conservative publication such as this. The word in question: Kaka. It means poop, doo-doo, dookie, number two. I said that word in front of her while playing with plastic army men in the courtyard behind her apartment. It was a huge mistake.

She grabbed me by the arm and yanked me into the air, dragged me right into the kitchen and washed my mouth out with Ivory soap.."

(Lorenzo Semple)

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SandBox Comments: Grand Junction Daily Sentinel/Dennis Webb "Carbondale medical pot shop closed; owner held"

What a shame this had to happen now, just when locals are finally making some headway with local governments to take a second look at the viability of medical marijuana in our communities.

Now, the likelihood of 'spin-doctor' elected officials and journalists attempting to discredit the validity of those locals, will be able to point toward David Edgar and just chalk up the problems to a 'bad apple'.

Reality, is that medical marijuana is illegal on federal levels. The Feds can, will and are showing strong signs that they've warned enough already; shut down any marijuana use or enterprise.

On state and federal levels there is no banking ability, no ability to own or purchase a firearm if you are on file as a user of the drug. 

There is no ability to conduct business in the community with leases, credit card processing or obtaining insurances and loans. 

There is no ability, when the technical interpretation of Colorado law is upheld, to even operate a dispensary. 

Put all these things together with the 'bad apples' that sell without a buyer having an MMJ card.  Or worse, go to the lengths David Edgar has.  And we haven't even touched the moral differences of opinion, the politics or community impacts.

What a shame this bust happening now is.  SandBox hopes that local activists in Glenwood Springs and RE-1 don't get discouraged or allow certain elected officials who advocate MMJ to sway you off your path.

Maybe the entire situation will get 'lucky' and the Feds will finally shut down, rather than bust, a few local shops and grow operations that are simply trying to operate within state law.

We would agree with the Feds that enough warning has taken place.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "City council declines to discuss Re-1 override resolution"

Here is a terrific example of how well the folks are doing in catalyzing the entrenched Valley politics of the past into a more balanced voice of all our social communities.

It could be said that the folks have 'literally been held hostage' to that very powerful social and economic class that have run most of our local governments and business communities for the past decade or more.

The past three years have seen a rising up of the more 'common man' with an emphasis on that movement taking hold in the past year or so.

We have sat major change into our county commissioners spanning the Roaring Fork Valley and both sides of the I-70 corridor.  Same on our City Council and Trustee seats.  Volunteer boards now hold voice of the citizens and not just powerful business people who focus on individual bottom lines.  We have a lot of activism going on out here and the emotions, including anger, are at times palpable.

It is a very good feeling to watch the earlier stages of this movement to balance now be at a point where our new leadership is slowly starting to empower the folks.

A very special thank you to Glenwood Springs City Councilmen Todd Leahy, Mike Gamba and Ted Edmonds for voicing on behalf of what is actually the majority out here.  When you count the shadows too.

Let's take a look at some excerpts from John Stroud's reporting:

“I think it is important for us to chime in on all issues that impact the community, and this is one of them,” Steckler said. “If it fails, there will be all sorts of impacts in terms of maintaining strong schools. It's part of our leadership responsibility to discuss such matters.”

"Added McKinney, “The people of this community deserve to know where we stand, and I think that's very important.”

"Opponents of the measure say local taxpayers deserve a break, and that the school district should have to adjust its budget accordingly with the downturn in the economy."

“Every community has different politics, and we have to respect those individual barometers,” he said. (Matt Hamilton)"

“It's not appropriate for us to advise citizens how to vote on something that's not directly part of city government,” Councilman Ted Edmonds said at the Thursday evening City Council meeting."

“There are a lot of reasons to support the tax, and I've heard a lot of arguments on the other side,” said Councilman Mike Gamba. “But it isn't our place to advise citizens how to vote.”

Now, let's see what the 'kids' have to say.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."