March 21, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Aspen Daily News/Letter to the Editor "Little guy gets burned again"

There was a time when Bruno Kirchenwitz had just a little, teeny bit of difficulty controlling his temper in local commentary.  Which made for a fracas or two between regional avatars and Bruno.

Since the shutting down of the infamous PI hub; Bruno has risen to the (sincerely) status of local hero in commentary when it comes to the topics of illegal foreign nationals or public education.

Here's to the little guy.

Let Freedom ring.

Bruno Kirchenwitz:

One school board begs for more taxpayer funds for the children, gets the extra funds for the children and promptly takes $1.4 million off the top for teacher bonuses. While every teacher gets $1,500 many non-teachers lose their jobs.

Another school board doesn’t fool the electorate and doesn’t get to hand out any bonuses.  Instead, they go to a four-day school week and save a half million at the expense of some 200 non-teaching staff. While no teacher loses a penny of pay, the cooks and janitors will each lose over $2,000 in pay annually.

Ain’t it funny how it’s always the little guy who takes it in the shorts?

I think it stinks...."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

1 comment:

hammerandnails said...

A hero??

God, that hurts me nanny. Bruno.

He's not an avatar hero he's just learned that he can get more traction getting to the point.
