August 29, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Aspen Skiing Co. mulls changes to ski school's inner workings"

How interesting it is to watch the dynamic play out between two daily newspapers in a small town.

One is a non-local, corporate conglomerate that employs some locals, maintains relationships with heavy-spending advertisers and censors and bans any and all content that is openly critical of either their publications or special ad account holders. 

The other is locally owned and operated, continually voted local favorite, banned from the premises of at least one of the special ad account holders that use the other paper and would banish  themselves into public stocks in the middle of town if even the thought  of interfering with the First Amendment darkened their door.

Lee Mulcahy has been knighted as 'The Julian Assange of Aspen' and given honorary membership in the ranks of some of the best spitwad hurlers mankind has ever known, who also reside in the local demographic these two newspapers cover.

Oh, lordy, lordy!  How the slant and rose-colored glasses authorizing the copy up on The Aspen Times tainted in favor of Aspen Skico when Lee was rockin and rollin with his organization 'People 4 a Living Wage'.

If it had not been for that 'other' paper The Aspen Daily News, we would never have known that there were other complaints, besides the Mulcahy complaint, filed with the National Labor Review Board against Aspen Skico. 

We also would never have known that there were sanctions placed against the Skico as a result of Lee and his efforts.

How delicious is this morsel off The Aspen Times today!

"Skico designed the system to give instructors a voice without their forming a union..."

Leaking out to the Times, long after the fact, more of the details that vindicate Lee Mulcahy is transparent, totally lacking in class and blatantly obvious as nothing but an attempt at damage control.

A very poor attempt at that. 

Congratulations to all future employees of Aspen Skico! 

Because of the hard-won efforts of employees who came before you there will now be transparency within the organization.

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SandBox Comments: Eagle County Times "Eagle-Vail Community Board – Votes to violate Federal Drug Law"

Medical marijuana controversies, tourism marketing and promotion, politically powerful  individuals, Destination Resorts, illegal foreign nationals, conflicts of interest, Boards of Directors, law enforcement, judicial districts, crime, civil law, 501C3 and 501C6 "non-profit" organizations.

Garfield County, Pitkin County, Eagle County.

What do these stories all have in common?  Besides not being reported by Swift Communication owned publications?

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