April 12, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Summit County Citizens Voice "Global warming: Forest Service researchers examine the role of pathogens in a world that’s heating up"

Again, another good column from Bob Berwyn.  Up and over on the Summit County Citizens Voice.

One of Colorado's most trusted and respected investigative journalists.

With that said, still the dominant tone of 'after the 'fact' ' global warming unleashing what nature inherently holds. 

What, exactly, are the natural predators in the global warming 'crisis' ?  Natural sources of carbon, pathogens, planetary cycles and rhythms?  Come to think of it,  what other natural climate predators are out there that have nothing whatsoever to do with the apathy and negligence of mankind?

Bob Berwyn:
"SUMMIT COUNTY — Forest Service scientists say warmer and drier conditions could lead to more Armillaria root disease in some conifers and hardwoods, as well as more Cytospora canker on aspens and dwarf mistletoe, which poses a high risk under drought conditions.

Under a warmer and wet climate change scenario, sudden oak death and other Phytophthora tree diseases could become more common, as the pathogens reproduce and spread quickly under favorable moist and warm conditions.

The report from the agency’s Pacific Southwest Research Station surveyed existing scientific literature to try and rate potential risks to forests under different climate change scenarios, looking specifically at eight diseases that affect forests in the Western United States and Canada.

The results suggest that climate change will affect forest health, but there is still some uncertainty about the degree of climate change and how it will affect pathogen biology, the potential direct impacts to host species and the interactions between the pathogen, host, and climate.

“Tree diseases shape our forests,” says Susan Frankel, the report’s project leader and a PSW plant pathologist.  ”This assessment explains fundamental relationships between trees diseases and climate that will help people determine how local conditions may influence tree survival.”...." (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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