March 29, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Red State "Liberals, conservatives, values and how we perceive each other "

Bill S. Diary:
"Another day, another book I need to buy and hopefully read some day.  In the March 21st NYT, Nicholas Kristof reviews a new book:  ”The Righteous Mind”.  In it, author Jonathan Haidt discusses some original research that investigates some key values held by conservatives and liberals – and how these two groups perceive each other on these values.  I have long been interested in why Republicans and Democrats believe as they do, and this type of research on values zeroes in on this question.

A couple of key observations emerge.  First, the author points out how both conservatives and liberals adhere to values that are formed around a moral code, but conservatives follow some additional core values that liberals do not...." (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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