September 6, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News: "The day that never ends"

Richard Cohen is one of SandBox Nanny's favorite reads.

It's pretty rare for him to put out anything that has little to no merit.

This piece today is one of those rare times that he has tossed up little to no substance.

There is only one mistake made in going to war  with any country or organization  after 9/11. 

And that mistake, was to call the war everything but what it is.

We are at war with radical terrorism. A plague that unfortunately, permeates every country in the world.

SandBox Nanny will agree with Cohen on one point today.

That point is until the day comes when all peoples, but especially media and journalists, get off the spin, the merit less blame and apathy toward what we are really up against in a global war, it will be a war without end.

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