November 13, 2011

SandBox Comments: The Hill "Holder pushes back against GOP lawmakers over Fast and Furious"

"Attorney General Eric Holder is trying to get in front of the Fast and Furious controversy that has led to calls from conservatives for his resignation.

Holder has shed the low-key persona that sought to quietly deflect a torrent of mounting congressional criticism over his role in a botched gun tracking operation.

In its place, President Obama’s top law enforcement official has embraced a new strategy, actively confronting and rebuffing the serious concerns and disparaging remarks emanating from Capitol Hill while admitting mistakes made by his department, promising to hold officials accountable, and vehemently seeking to tell his side of the story...."
(Jordy Yager)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because he is more concerned with saving his own hide, Holder has never even bothered to speak to the families of lost lives.

When the head law enforcement in the nation is so cold-blooded he thinks like a lawyer before a human being he needs to go.

Barack Obama can't salute properly. Shows blank face to no human emotions when standing next to the bowed in prayer head of George W. Bush on the 10th anniverary of 9/11.

The world has lost so much respect for us at the hands of this administration we've sunk so low as to have Calderon standing on our soil chastising us for not letting his people flood us trying to get away from violence in his. Sunk so low in the eyes of the world, we have a military power-monger who thinks its Ok to follow the example of our Commander-in-Chief and fire one of our best military officers for defending the lives of those under his command to an Afghan leader who's running drugs, corruption and no shame for the atrocities his people would suffer if those lives were not aiding his country.

Fire Eric Holder instead.