December 17, 2011

SandBox Comments: Pueblo Chieftain "Case raises criticism of DA's office "

What about the accused, David Carrillo?  And the alleged victim?

That seems to be a question that's been completely lost in the war going on down in the 10th Judicial District.

There are a couple of judicial districts in Colorado that have heated battles stirring in the races for District Attorney.

In the eyes of voters in commentary, there couldn't be a more opportune time than 2012.

There is little doubt anywhere that a conservative will win the Presidential Election.  And that there will be major uprooting in Washington, D.C.

The folks are fed up.  Had a belly full and just not going to take it anymore.  On the other hand, not one of these politicians schmoozing for our votes right now are looking ahead at how the states are going to handle having what they want dumped right in their laps.

What's going to happen when the State of Colorado has all the handling of education, human services and immigration placed into their hands and out of the hands of the feds?

For a long time, the folks have been hollering that they think politics should be removed from anything that is tied to their physical safety and security.  Primarily, the offices of Sheriff and District Attorney.  That Judges should be the only ones needing to receive a nod from the folks.

There could not be a better example of outrageous government conduct than Democrat Bill Thiebaut.  He's the 10th's current D.A. and recently rose up in public scrutiny over his involvement in congressional redistricting issues.  This is a public official who has made no bones about the fact that  he is using the Office of the District Attorney as a political stepping stone.

Nothing wrong with that, many D.A.'s do same.

But what happens to accused David Carrillo?  What happens to the alleged victim?

The folks would like to know.

(Learn more?  Click title.  Comment to discuss)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


hammerandnails said...

This one down in the 10th is shaping up to be the kind everybody will want to upchuck over even hitting the news when it gets closer to elections.

Makes you wonder how an esteemed office can be turned into a Peyton Place of sordid doings, doesn't it?

There are real concerns that DA's are supposed to be dealing with instead of their political ambitions. Like say, dope running through the streets, bullies everywhere, violent drug cartels in the area and gang bangers recruiting our kids.

Little stuff like that.

It'll be a zoo, Nanny. That's the answer to the question of what's going to happen in Colorado when we finally get control over our own eduction needs, our own immigration problems and our own social services governing. We aren't ready for all those jobs to hit the state let alone ready for the energy industry jobs that are coming. Hell, our esteemed elected leaders can't even decide if they want to hire an economic director, tear down Little Annie's or build a penthouse and find out who was the brilliant caretaker or maintenance person that disconnected a snowmelt pipe.

What makes us think that we're ready to prosper and thrive and finally get control of what Coloradans need when we've got a farce and public disgrace like this in a simple murder case DA office?

Be very careful of where you place your politics and support and vote, folks. More important to realize than ever before is that all politics are local politics.

vet68 said...

Wise words, nails. After Iowa and New Hampshire I'd really appreciate Perry coming out with a focus on how he'd make the transitions to the states. Stay on message with the plans but start providing details. You'd think Hick would be pushing some conversation along those lines as well.

As for these DA races in Pueblo and Eagle the only good thing that's going to come out of them is more open exposure of how bad off Colorado's prosecutor system is. Watch for the Arapahoe county race to be a cess pool too when it comes up. And then there's the 9th.

gws44 said...

I'm going to bring up a point that really needs to be watched for the primaries.

Unaffiliated conservative?

Lose your principles for now and go jump ship over on to the Republicans so you can vote in the primary. Then be sure to get that dead weight off you and go back to unaffiliated for the election.

Just think.

The Garfield, Pitkin and Mesa GOP didn't learn a blessed thing over the debacle that was mid-terms. Still stuck in 4lo laurels. You'd think with all that dead weight time on their hands now that they've lost a big chunk of us in their base that they would've pushed the legislature by now that would make unaffilateds able to vote primary.

mandy said...

It's a good point, 44.

Just like building and business codes every city and town needs to rework their charters for election and voter rules.

Where are we at with McKinney's ask for changing Mayor elect rules in Glenwood? What about cleaning up with Dirk Myers found with the charter not jiving with state law like it's supposed to? Marks and her battles in Aspen and all over the state are another example.

We can't expect a country to run well when we can't either enforce the rules and laws we have or make sure they're still relevant and working.

Anonymous said...

No matter how anyone looks at it there should never be a public servant elected office that's used for a stepping stone to higher political ambitions. I don't believe the majority of our D.A.'s do that. The problem is that the ones who are doing it have always turned out to be a real problem. Judges are the only ones that the people should have a say in appointing or electing. The other offices of Sheriff and D.A. should be hired positions. From all the commentary around the Pueblo and Colorado Springs area over Thiebaut and his chief investigator his office ranks as one of the worst for abuse of power and outrageous conduct resulting in nothing but harm to the people in every case they touch. Just one really botched because of incompetency and power abuses is enough. From what is being said, Thiebaut's reign seems to have many. There is no excuse.