December 17, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Letter to the Editor "Taking blame for signs on museum site"

Never, in the past or future history of Aspen, Colorado will there ever be a building built that is or will be uglier than the upcoming Aspen Art Museum.

The most god-awful looking design in history of The Valley.  Possibly even the world.  Good lord, it is an atrocity.

Seriously.  Ask just about any local.

And which Valley community is currently cornering the market on social, business and professional homicide through the use of gossip?

The histrionics of the Aspen Art Museum director come very close to a wide range of others in socially prominent positions in our local communities who ratchet up similar public displays.

What sets 'us' apart from the norm around the nation in the gossip arenas?

Most communities have banned the town square/public stocks/stoning thing.

So, so not cool.  

Since she personally knows how upset and shook-up Lee Mulcahy was at the possible allegation being twisted by out-of-control local power brokers; over this stupid, ridiculous grandstanding and completely unfounded debacle that the Aspen Art Museum director pulled over these harmless (and dead-on accurate in content) signs....'SandBox Nanny' sends out a special thank you to the City of Aspen cop who immediately saw reason and decided to simply ask Lee what his involvement was rather than 'throw him in the public stocks, then the slam and hold court right there in order to sentence him to death'.


Mr. Cohen, we couldn't agree with you more.

"Dear Editor:

Since the Aspen Art Museum director has seen fit to open an attack against Lee Mulcahy, I will take this opportunity to confess to being the person who hung the two “For Sale” signs on the tractor trailers that were parked on the vacant lot (construction site) where the Wienerstube used to stand.

The signs were two 81⁄2- by 11-inch sheets of copy paper Scotch-taped with two strips of tape on each computer-printed sheet. I thought that this would be an amusing way to call attention to this extremely disliked project that has been forced upon our cityscape.

I do not know Mr. Mulcahy, and I do not know what he did to incur the wrath of the Art Museum director, but please do not condemn him for my actions.

Having cleared the record regarding whatever minor incidents occurred, I am offended by Madam Director's branding these actions as “cowardly.” She, who engineered the slimy, underhanded, backroom blackmailing (or worse?) of City Council, in order to hide her project from the scrutiny of the public approval process, is the true coward...."
(Richie Cohen, Aspen)

(Read more?  Click title. Comment to discuss)


WingMan said...

Think I'll cop one from Nanny's sayings:

Nanny, what I hear you just sayin:

1. That the come to Jesus talk you and I had awhile back about not carrying the weight of anonymous burdens for others so much is still being pretty much ignored by you. Even when we're all out here.

2. That the pitiful state of affairs in this valley and the shadows is that we still have to thank a cop for doing what a cop should be doing all along.

And our elected leaders still have the nerve to act like nothings wrong in the valley and the corridor.

Here's another shout out of thanks to Richie Cohen for making sure this capital punishment deed on the b*** ugly Aspen Art Museum site is going to be carried out for execution against who really did the deed.

Anonymous said...

Good work, Richie. The signs. Excellent work.

Lee Mulcahy said...

Aspen Art Museum Forbids Leader of Occupy Aspen to Enter Property


By Michael H. Miller 12/16 11:17am

Aspen Art Museum.
Lee Mulcahy, an artist and the leader behind the Occupy Aspen movement, has been told by police that he can no longer set foot on the site of the future home of the redesigned Aspen Art Museum. Museum officials told the Aspen Times that Mr. Mulcahy had “replaced museum signs with his own signs,” posting “for sale” signs on trailers on the property.
Mr. Mulcahy denies this, though he admitted to posting different signs at an earlier time. Police have not charged him with anything, but an Aspen police officer did have this to say: “I made it very clear to Mulcahy that he was not allowed to return to the Art Museum property or else he would be arrested for trespassing, and Mulcahy told me that he understood and would not go onto the property again.”

Aspen, a wealthy town popular with celebrities as a vacationing destination, is not really the place where one would expect people to be big fans of the shenanigans of the 99 percent. Occupy Aspen, by the way, sounds like a pretty humble affair. Mr Mulcahy refers to the movement in the Aspen Times as “all 8 of us.”

Follow Michael H. Miller via RSS.

Thanks Nanny for the kind words. This article got it a little wrong but it brought exposure to the essential injustice:

The police have to tell the museum what freedom of expression is? A contemporary art museum and they cannot recognize situationist art?

When I was at Art Basel assisted by a 1% friend, "Vera," she took me with her friends to the 1% rooms and said this about the people in the arts community of Aspen who were at ArtBasel: "You guys are on different sides of the museum issue but yet you are nice to each other.

Tolerance? Community? These are good things.

SandBoxBlogs said...

With Richie coming forward, let's hope that there is a complete reversal from Aspen Art Museum, Lee.

In this day and age, in area communities that by anyone's measure, are truly blessed compared to many less fortunate, the high level of bullying social retaliation through gossip, assumption and the lowest forms of 'moral' hypocrisy is truly nauseating.

Not to mention the kind of 'lovely' PR it gives the area nationwide through this kind of article.


I truly hope all works out well for you on this soon.