September 30, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Aspen Skiing Co. officially scraps system with ski pros"

This news, on a problem that has been festering in the shadows, trying to be heard for aprx. 18 years, is told very well by Scott Condon.

Up on The Aspen Times.

It is highly likely that commentators will weigh in on the subject matter, so SandBox Nanny will leave them to that.

Her comment this morning is aimed at the Times.

We notice.

We notice that this news is reported by the only print news publication the Aspen Skico and Crown Family 'allow' to speak regarding all things Skico.

Welcome back, Aspen Times.

Here's to the little guy.

Let freedom ring.

(Learn more?  Click title or comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


Anonymous said...

The AP headline that's going all over the US. Google it for national and take it off the Sentinel in GJ:

"Ski company ends system to prevent unions"

It's diplomatic of Condon Nanny and that's OK. We all have to eat and pay the mortgage.

What I'm wondering is when and if even a fraction of the social lynching that Crowns and their soldiers did to Mulcahy is ever going to be felt towards them? This business of them wanting an apology from Mulcahy should be pretty embarrassing for them. Instead, they've got nothing but red carpet and stroked hands.

Now that, is pitiful.

FCL said...

Lee, FCE and I suggest that you take this article and make it be the last statement for awhile on living wage. If you have a website, make this be displayed prominently. Then just let people find it as the first thing they see. Let the site run normally every day and keep on with your activism and whatever you're doing. But make this article by Scott a focal piece.

Sometimes, after you get to the end, it's best to say nothing at all.

We too, would like to say thanks to Scott Condon.

gws44 said...


We really did get caught. Finally.

And there's no way out except to admit it in the only way we know how.

By layering on another lie.

Wonder what the next move to dodge the union bullet will be?

How about sitting down with your employees and the end result being a living wage?

RL said...

And what would happen now, if employees did decide to go union?

There doesn't appear to be any doubt that not just unrest but the same problem is still at the heart of the Skico that was there when they originally tried to avoid a union effort.

Money. As a businessman, I've often thought of how much this exposure has had to have cost them. It may not dent the bottom line but there is no argument now that the lingering effects of that one najor
problem are great.

There is nothing stopping the employees of the Skico now. If ever there was a time to go union, it is now.

This comes as a real surprise to see an article of such honesty and balanced reporting coming out of the Aspen Times.

Thank you, Mr. Condon.

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake it about. The new system is designed in denver by holland and hart as a listening scheme to get employee feedback. It is designed not to be illegal and modeled on other systems that corporate america has come up with that pass muster.

union? fear is great. penalties can mean not being assigned work.

I saw this posted and had to laugh:

In regards to the comic Jim Laing that was sent out to spin to both newspapers on Skico’s federal labor law violations, to quote Madeleine Albright when asked about Condi Rice’s performance at the Aspen Music Festival: She plays the piano well; but shiver me timbers, does she tell some real whoppers. 
When one reads Jim’s statements that Skico was “tweaking” their employee handbook concerning freedom of speech and the restructuring of the Ski School, that the violations of federal labor law were simply just “good management,” I was concerned after I fell over laughing. Has Skico learned anything?

Anonymous said...

ever since skico bought aspen highlands and added it to their other 3 mountains .....the power of FOUR, it's been tougher for employees. they propogate a fear culture: shut up or else.

and they treat the community the same way---we are giving you a new high speed lift at buttermilk so dont complain!

mack said...

I'm curious.

Do the employees document all the things they feel has been done to them? Even if just on their own individual account. Seems like they should be if they're not already. No real rep in the old system that they could trust and all.

You know, there are tough employer rules and laws that have to followed or there's consequences.

and who knows what's going on with Udall over the visas? Anybody know?