March 14, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: KJCT News 8 "Re-2 School District Approves 4 Day Weeks"

It is hard.  Has been hard to watch as well.

But sooner or later, our public schools and publicaly funded education had to get a wake-up call because somewhere along the way they just found it way too easy to stick their hand out for public money and live on credit.

There is no reason whatsoever that taxpayers should be funding public education when there are so many alternatives out there that could make our public education system self-sustaining.

RE-2, out of necessity, has just hit on one of those ways.  Four day school weeks.  Now take it a step further and start after Labor Day with an end to the year right before Memorial Day. Cut back on vacation/break times to make up the difference. The end result will be far greater efficiency and lower operating costs.

While on a roll, here's to RE-2 pulling together a push toward lawmakers to break up the Parks and Rec 'hogs' who scarf up all the gaming and lottery proceeds.  That cash cow whould be divided equally between parks and rec, K-12 education, road and bridge and  law enforcement.

Don Coleman:
"NEW CASTLE, Colo. -- Garfield County's Re-2 school district will join more than 50 others across the state on a four day school week next year. The decision was handed down at Tuesday night's school board meeting and is part of an effort to cut costs with a $1.7million to $2.2 million shortfall looming.

After a lengthy meeting, the board voted four to one in favor of shortening school weeks.

"To me, it's probably our most positive option," School Board President Chris Pearson said. "It was a tough decision, but probably the easiest to make now that we're considering 'big ticket items.'"

Pearson says this choice is one of the only ones that offsets costs without affecting the staff too much.

The school district's financial department expects the move will save the district around $500,000 next year through fuel reductions, hourly staff reductions, and savings on utilities....:"  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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