August 15, 2011

SandBox Comments: Summit Daily News "Collateral Damage in the War on Anonymity"

SandBox Nanny works hard at not encouraging David Sirota. Today, he does have a point.

Anonymity on the internet does not need to go away, if anything, more regulation should be put in place to enhance and protect anonymity.

Does the internet need drastic regulation?  Yes, it does.



The internet needs humans. 

No site, no provider should be allowed to let their content and platform go without human moderation.  The technology is already in place and has been all along for site holders to police their own. 

Human moderators are the key, it is that simple.

The negligence of legislators, to provide within the confines of law, the ability to enforce criminal justice on internet perpetrators is where the world of cyber fails so badly. 

Laws cannot keep up with technology.

In addition, our law enforcement is so far behind in understanding how criminal, psychologically impaired minds use the internet to commit crime; it is literally frightening to watch how much goes completely without notice by our cops. 

Worse, the minority of officers who are so arrogant to believe that nothing is capable of escaping their sworn duties are destructive to individual and public trust.  Hopelessness, when facing the juggernaut of cyber crime directed at you is capable of destroying human life.  As deadly, if not more so because the internet is perpetuating constantly; as a fully loaded automatic weapon set on auto-pilot.

Human beings, serving with responsibility for the websites and platforms they build and control and held accountable to laws that our cops enforce are all that is needed to regulate the internet.

(Learn more?  Click title or comment to start discussion)

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