January 31, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Bruno Kirchenwitz "Tax dollars at work"

And then there are those out in the public commentary that have spent the last few years pushing away the denial of local governments and power brokers  to the point that when they speak up, the entire valley listens.

Who needs the Steve Skinners and SandBoxBlogs of the world when we have Bruno Kirchenwitz?

 Bruno Kirchenwitz:

"...If we want to retain the “good” teachers, why were all the teachers rewarded with those ill-conceived bonuses? Because the union says there is no objective way to economically discern between the good and the not so good.

I do hope all those generous taxpayers learn this union lesson well and remember when it comes hat in hand the next time, begging “for the children.”

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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