September 23, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News/Doug Allen "Nobody likes a bully"


Self-Defense or defense of a group?

Communication or free speech?

Effective communication on a level another will hear you?

Doug Allen of Aspen gives his definition.  Up on The Aspen Daily News.

(...whisper..whisper...wonder who "we" is....whisper...whisper...wonder who "our" government is...whisper...whisper....)

"...I found a variety of different definitions for “bully” online, and they can all be generally summarized as a person with a desire for conflict who is habitually cruel or overbearing, typically to force a person or persons to do as they want.....

.....Disturbingly, the article also quotes Commissioner Rob Ittner, who voted for Marks, as saying “I just find it incredibly hypocritical to be judging her on her desire to have conflict.” I find it equally incredible that Ittner doesn’t understand a “desire for conflict” is about as welcome and useful on a volunteer advisory board as a clown is at a funeral.

Commissioners Richards, Hatfield and Owsley are to be commended for refusing to give this perennial malcontent yet another platform from which to bully the community. Through the democratic process, the majority of Aspen voters have time and again rejected Marks and Co.’s positions and behaviors, and the commissioners honored their constituents with this decision.

The people of Aspen have done nothing to deserve Marks’ brand of community service. And no, Marilyn, we don’t even want you to volunteer on the Noxious Weed Board, although the childhood rhyme “takes one to know one” does spring to mind. How many times, and in how many ways, must we tell you that we don’t want you involved in our city government?....."
(Doug Allen)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

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