September 19, 2011

SandBox Comments: "Glenwood Springs to require fees for medical marijuana businesses"

“We've been waiting to see what the impact was from the new regulations,” Rippy said. “Now is the right time to convene a community group.”
(via Glenwood Springs Post Independent)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


glenwoodsprings22, founder smalltown7 said...

This was good to see.

Now narrow it down. Your right, Mary. It is the time.

Just get everybody off of what you can't win.

You'll never win on philosophy. You'll win on the facts. You think somebody like McKinney is going to even make a genuine effort to compromise? Hell no.

Gather up what can't be denied. Then pound away on that everywhere you can get it to be heard. Get your people to talk about those facts everywhere. You don't have to let go of what upsets everybody and all the morals, ethics and values the philosophy debate on pot has. Just make that part be the less important.

The goal is to get rid of no control over the pot and create control over everything to do with pot.

Get that done and the philosophy part's all over because pot can't exist as a business under the problems it has right now. Most important one the fact that the Feds rule.

No banking.

Can't rent space because banks will pull building owner loan funding.

No insurance company will insure the business.

Got business neighbors to a dispensary? Do they know they can't apply for bank loan or federal loan because of the mmj neighbor?

Go after federal buildings and distance from. MMJ patient walks into the post office and stands next to a US Marshal who sees his RX sticking out of a pocket, that mmj patient is busted.

Go after all federally loaned properties as being technically federally owned. Got a Fanny or a Freddie? It's technically illegal for an MMJ patient to live in one using pot.

Go after the weak reg's our council and attorney have on the books. There's nothing that protects us or the mmj small business owners from this fiasco of a logistical mess.

Go after how much it costs us to have all the city support staff we've put on this thing for years. Remember all the issues over signs and advertising.

Got any school resource cops on deck in our schools? They work for the city and county that have strict employer regulations for drug free environment. Got a teacher or staff member or even a student with an mmj card? What do we do about a problem like that rising up on school grounds? Got that covered in the reg's as they are right now?

This time when your group is out there taking surveys of downtown merchants, put someone trustworthy in charge so you get real numbers. Make sure everybody gets interviewed, not just a few.

Fact that can't be denied is that the problem you are raising is everywhere and outlying towns are making your same effort. Grand Junction with a lot of success. Can't be denied so maybe they'll help.

these kind of battles don't get won by pulling the social contest card or the morals and values card. They get won by pounding away on what can't be denied.

hammerandnails, VP of operations smalltown7 said...

ignore everything and any person telling you to follow just the social accepted rules.

there wouldn't be a forced need to pound away on anything if we had a council, authorities and powerful business people that were the stewards they're supposed to be. Lot's of cleanup's been done but there's still enough puss in wound to flame up the infection again. for example, good move getting some bodies at a mtg. Don't bow to that again. since when is it the folks responsibility to communicate with the constituents of the town and each ward? that's council's job. They're supposed to make the effort. sure, give them the chance but don't forget to keep score and track how many chances they've been given.

good luck on this you can't lose if you hammer on those details that can't be denied. all roads lead back to rome.

sent from my verizon blackberry