October 7, 2011

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Glenwood Springs prepares for ‘year of reckoning'"

SandBox Nanny thanks City Manager, Jeff Hecksel and reporter John Stroud for this report being Mr. Hecksel's voice.

The commentary around the region is now going on aprx. five years with complaints, grumbling and visible angst from the folks who want to hear the state of the city from the leaders they vote in or pay the salaries of.

Here's to the beginning of a new era of public relations in Glenwood Springs.

SandBox Nanny can't imagine any of us not appreciating calm voices of true leadership releasing fully accurate and fully truthful information to the folks.

(Learn more?  Click title or comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

1 comment:

MR said...

We'll see if Hecksel stays front and center. He should. He should always have been the one putting out our community and city press releases.

This is no surprise, these numbers. In fact, those of us who've pulled them through open records and paid attention to scraping off the lip gloss pasted all over everything for the past 6 years or so, this could have been predicted.

It's actually a lot worse than what Hecksel's disclosing.

People are desperately tapped. No savings and have run so lean for the past 3 years they don't have much ability left to sustain through another long haul.

The bottom line stands at Glenwood Springs is at least 50% below what every other town in the area is pulling in. We get happy when we're at a 3% increase for one month when in the same month all of our neighbors are 6% to 9%. Double to triple what we're doing.

That's pathetic. It's a sign that we've got some things seriously wrong.

I'll remind Jeff Hecksel in public comments this time next year if Glenwood hasn't completely turned itself around.