October 13, 2011

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Your Letters "Charge tuition instead of raising taxes"

Vote NO on 3E.

"...How can this district ask its friends and neighbors to fork over money they don't have? Consider a lesson from the business world: Learn to do more with less.

If these parents are so concerned about the quality of education available to their children, here's a thought: Ask them to pay for it.

It's not a secret that the local school St. Stephen's, operated by the Catholic Church, offers a superior education to that offered by its public counterparts. Yes, St. Stephen's charges tuition.

It's no wonder that the interest in establishing charter schools is at an all-time high. Why not adopt the school district's policy in Douglas County whereby taxpayers were returned some of their property taxes in exchange for the parent's right to send their children to either public or charter schools?

And just a reminder to the average taxpayer: Wait until Obamacare kicks in, and we will be asked to relinquish even more...."

(Karen Foster)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

1 comment:

staple said...

Now this is a great idea.

Parents paying for their kids education instead of putting their hand out to everybody in the nation so that schools can exist above their means.