October 28, 2011

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Antero plans increased drilling activity south of Silt"

Cheap shots at Silt Mayor Dave Moore.  Even by John Colson's standards, these insinuations by Colson are cheap shots.

Seems that Colson is wanting strokes for 'alerting' the Town of Silt administration that deadline was on for submitting comments, etc. on Antero's expansion of drilling on Silt Mesa.

So, let SandBox give you those strokes, John.

We send out a sincere, big thank you to investigative reporter John Colson, over on The Glenwood Springs Post Independent for coming to the aid of all the  anti-gas drilling Silt residents who forgot to check on the status of their comment submission to regulators.

We're pretty sure Silt Mayor Dave Moore is thick-skinned enough to be holding up under Colson's  criticism. 

Drill baby, drill.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."


hammerandnails said...

Personally, I can't see any difference between the Silt group of anti-drill, the Battlement Concerned Citizens and the bully and gang thinking manipulating of CIRC and AJUA.

Isn't it funny how that works?

In the case of these anti-drill, they're just getting a taste of the real world.

A world without a 110% biased and misleading newspaper rag. Which is what the PI used to be. Slowly, slowly it's turning into a community newspaper again. But there's no more babysitting and no more holding these groups hands. Whoa, except for Colson here who's miserable at work these days because he doesn't like being legit.

Dave's OK. Would've liked to have been a fly on the wall for that talk.

I say the same thing said to CIRC, AJUA and Greene. Grow up, get a grip, obey the law, follow the rules, make an attempt to fit into society without flaming, using human shields ('ol bethatesantero aka MrsDick still living on Silt Mesa and freaking out her kids? No, that's right. She cried wolf until she was heard in NY). Watch your own deadlines and quit wasting taxpayer dollars thinking somebody's going to do it for you. Tresi's voted out.

Thanks to the gals at Silt City administration, they'll make sure there's a contact for you now. Please be sure to call them and thank them.

Babysitting isn't part of the job description.

jbend said...

I'll give some strokes to Colson.

Because he's now proven once again he wouldn't know a real investigative reporter story if it jumped out and bit him.

This though. Is a great job of babysitting these anti gas people.

Great job, John!

(Man, I hope Dave's OK.)

Anonymous said...

This is explained as simple as just an oversight on Dave's part. The man really does have better things to do with his time than sit around plotting ways to not send in citizen concerns. Silt welcomes Antero and our gas industry. Drill, drill, drill.