October 17, 2011

SandBox Comments: KJCT News 8 "State's MMJ Employees to Unionize"

Surely, they must be joking.

What a potential quagmire this will be if they're not.

With the chaos surrounding everything to do with Medical Marijuana in Colorado, one would think more common sense would prevail.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." 

1 comment:

RL said...

No organizing entity is more mindful of how to fuel their positive bottom line than the unions, Nanny.

This move strikes me as about nothing but what kind of money they will surely score when the lawsuits against the local and state governments begin.

We will put conservative values in the White House in 2012 where those leaders will take Obama and Holder's crackdown on marijuana to the hilt.

At that point, watch for this kind of move by union organizations to file tort suits faster than DOJ can keep up.