October 24, 2011

SandBox Comments: KREX News 5 "Bath Salt Drugs Banned by the Drug Enforcement Agency"

(See related stories and comments here)

The words "emergency action" are so ominous.

Here on the Western Slope of Colorado we've been following the stories, press releases and information from Two Rivers Drug Enforcement Team, DEA, local and regional law enforcement about 'bath salts'.

"The chemical used in a street drug known as "bath salts" is temporarily banned in the U.S.

The Drug Enforcement Agency took emergency action Friday, making it illegal to possess and sell these chemicals or products. The particular chemical is called mephedrone, MDPV, and methylone, and it will be banned for at least one year.

Officials say bath salts, which go by names like Ivory Wave, Purple Wave, Vanilla Sky and Bliss are comprised of the chemicals that when snorted or smoked, act like cocaine or LSD...."
(Hilary Martin)
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1 comment:

hammerandnails said...

These bath salts must be really bad news, they’re getting a lot of press and warnings. Reading Colson’s article yesterday on Garco county demographics and the prediction that we’re about to be overrun with Hispanics; I’m stepping up my support of ICE. That's not a bigot stmt. that's a practical reality stmt.

Because alongside ICE is DEA. These cartels have infiltrated the western slope and they get more creative the harder they get pushed.

We’re not going to break through that line of resistance unless we put up a zero tolerance policy on illegal foreign nationals, gangs and drugs in any form.

Stay the course. Hope we see some more big, big busts that will keep this national media attention going hot and live.