October 24, 2011

SandBox Comments: CNS News "Mexican President: US Puts 'Absurd Curbs on Migration,' 'Persecute[s] Migrants,' 'ViolatesTheir Human Rights'"

Inquiring minds want to know. 

If  there was a major disaster of some kind on our side of the border that had Americans fleeing to Mexico.....would they open the border, clothe, educate, heal our sick, provide shelter, jobs and food for us?

Surely, Presidente Calderon can see the irony of this statement of his (?):

"There are many factors in the violence that is being experienced in some Mexican border cities, but one of those is that the American authorities have gotten into the habit of simply deporting 60 (thousand) or 70,000 migrants per year to cities like Ciudad Juarez or Tijuana," Calderon told an immigration conference.

Among these deportees "there are many who really are criminals, who have committed some crime and it is simply cheaper to leave them on the Mexican side of the border than to prosecute them, as they should do, to see whether they are guilty or not," Calderon said. "And obviously, they quickly link up with criminal networks on the border."
(Mark Stevenson)

Support ICE and all participating law enforcement as they continue to 'dump' back into Mexico.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

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