November 15, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Marks wants to see latest Pitkin County ballots"

You go, girl.

"Marks, meanwhile, predicted the issue will wind up before the state Legislature. She said she met Monday with the Colorado Press Association regarding her push, as well as with legislative lobbyists...."
(Janet Urquhart)

You know, in the way of rightful things, want to bet the high court moves fast to knock down the City of Aspen's appeal?

How grand that would be!

The City of Aspen could then stop violating the high court's order to pay Marks her attorney costs to date.
Then, the citizens of Aspen could sleep better at night with the relief that Mayor Mick would be finally contained,  the feds weren't preparing to march on Aspen and haul the folks away for their leaders violating the high court's order.

You go, girl.

(Read more?  Click title. Comment to start discussion) 
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


blindtuu said...

Hopefully Marks will see the end of her legal struggle with the city soon and find relief for a lot of things.

Question I have for Danforth on this hit piece is since when do random private citizens, who take a stand on an issue in the community, get opened up for such an invasion of privacy like this one?

Last time I read about a citizen who took a stand in the community was when you went to jail last year, Dan Daveforth.

But I don't want to rub your nose in that. Would just be so not cool.

bluecollarguy said...

Here's to the upper courts knocking back the city's appeal fast so that Marilyn Marks can get back the 6 figures last reported that this has cost her. Dock Mick's and Torre's pay so that the folks aren't shouldering that whole burden?