November 26, 2011

SandBox Comments: Commentary Magazine/Contentions "Medicare Administrator Steps Down"

It was pretty clear that controversial Medicare head Don Berwick ""wasn’t going to make it past the end of the year, after 42 Republican senators vowed to block his confirmation. On Wednesday, the Obama administration finally announced that Berwick will step down, a major scalp for Republicans in the health care battle, but one that will probably get lost in the Thanksgiving news blackout:

Obama nominated Berwick to the post but before Democrats scheduled a hearing, the president bypassed the Senate and appointed him to the post during recess last July, which allowed him to serve through the end of the year.

The soon-to-be former Medicare head was a favorite target for Republicans, who pointed to past quotes they say demonstrated his embrace of socialized medicine and rationing as a sure reason to oppose him...."
(Alana Goodman)

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1 comment:

jaylen watkins said...

Why Republicans are against Medicare head. I cannot make out?

Medicare America