December 6, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Teens advised on auto theft charges"

Rick Carroll:

"...The 14-year-old, who was arrested Oct. 30 by Garfield County sheriff's deputies, did not have legal representation at Monday's advisement, but Nichols noted that the Public Defender's Office is handling his cases on both ends of the valley.

Both defendants asked if they could speak, but the judge implored them not to since their lawyers were not present.

“What if it wasn't my decision to steal them cars?” the 14-year-old asked Nichols. The judge, in return, advised him not to speak any further.

If convicted, each suspect faces potential punishments of up to years in the custody of the Division of Youth Corrections. Or, they could be sentenced to the custody of the Department of Social Services until they are 21 years old.

In a press release issued after the teens' arrests, the Garfield County Sheriff's Office said both defendants are believed to be members of the criminal Sureno gang. The investigation into the vehicle thefts involved law-enforcement agents in Garfield and Pitkin Counties, Aspen and New Castle police, and ICE Homeland Security Investigations."  (Read more?  Click title.  Comment to discuss)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."


WingMan said...

Where are these kids defenders? Pretty obvious it was what the cops guessed as a recruit for a gang. You'd think at bare minimum CIRC and Greene would have rolled out the ACLU by now or Hess hot footed up to Pitkin court. Scare the fear of God into these kids but find out what needs to know.

staple said...

How did we get into upvalley courts? Thought the thefts were in New Castle and Glenwood.

Anonymous said...

Cars were stolen in aspen, Carbondale, Summit County, Denver and New Castle. So each time there was a car stolen in a different jurisdiction in started a case in that jurisdiction. So these kids have cases all over the state to answer to.

sumfu said...

If that's the case then the questions on why we have the elected offices of commissioners, councilmen and district attorney with their extra curricular focus on the high priorities of arguing over whether or not they should be adding up public dollars in Glenwood, fighting over keeping the law at bay over ballots in Aspen, preventing a grocery store in Garfield, spending hundreds of thousands defending against a rogue DA that they are supposed to control anyway up in Pitkin.

What this means is backup for what parents have been saying for more than a few years now. Good parents don't let their kids hang in Carbondale during day or night. Don't let their kids roam Aspen in big events or really get much farther off the slopes than a bus catch. Forget about some parts of El Jebel and stay complete away from west Glenwood.

Why is it that we don't have these elected powers working instead on a task force to put an immediate start to no acceptance or tolerance of gangs, violence or drugs in the RF valley?

Appears they're too busy with higher priorities.

mack said...

What are we paying for and what are all of us including these kids actually getting?

One hand holds the bill for all the multiple jurisdictions to handle the law enforcement. Same hand holds the bill for the prosecution, defense and courts. Same hand holds the bill for the cities, counties and state that oversee the prosecution, defense and courts. Same hand holds the bill for the debt and interest payments for the money it takes to pay the bill from down in this deep buried hole we're in.

The other hand holds the responsibility for all of it. Bringing on board every appointed or elected and along with them their duty. We are the community leaders and parents that these kids didn't see before they turned vulnerable to influence.

Seems to me the only ones getting the lions share of responsiblity for fixing is the folks.So ask it all again.

Where are the elected leaders with the power to get control? Start with the BOCC's, councils, judges and law enforcement minus the lawyers. Start asking the tough questions. Come to think of it all seemed to work pretty effective when O'Connor, Schilling and Wilson planted themselves square in front of CIRC and RE1. Add Pryor, DiSalvo and Vallario to round up councils, BOCC's and judges to nail down all the problems we have in the 9 district.

jbend said...

count it fortunate that we're communities that care about getting ahead of not letting law enforcement get run over by saturation. there's that truth grenade thing again. go figure that the only thing these electeds really seem to get pro-active for is their fake righteous indignation that there's enough of a spotlight now for anonymous voices to finally get heard.

heckuva fine example those electeds and power are showing to kids like this who had to have been looking for some kind of mentor.

doesn't say where their defenders were but says they have them. We're letting 14 yr. old kids appear alone on life changing charges? I'm not defending what they've done but am just sayin that they're 14 yrs. old.

hammerandnails said...

think I'll weigh in and run on the side of the cops judgment calls on this one.

that judgment said probable sureno gang recruiting.

now let's talk demographics.

where was judge nichols holding court with these kids?

in the jurisdiction that the crimes allegedly took place in?

it's Aspen, Colo.


now let's demographics.

Aspen is not LA.

and why are we even having this chat?

because we've got cops out there handling a problem parents have known as being around for some time now. and those cops are faster and faster getting their hands full.

where are our defenders, prosecutors, judges and elected leaders? we know judge nichols is holding court for 14 year old kids with defenders not there and prosecutors as usual a day late and dollar short. we know pitkin and garfield are sitting around in mtgs figuring best how to spend our money.

so let's talk balance of power and cops and kids.

grab up the sheriffs and the rest of the chiefs to do some rounding up of those elected leaders and see if they can come up with some better ideas on how to spend our money. like say gang, drug and immigration operations. what was it sheriff joe arpaio tweeted awhile back?

"i'm launching an immigration roundup tomorrow. this is not a joke."

sent from my verizon blackberry

WingMan said...

You're a little off, friend.

Mick and company are stewing over how to give Hecht another penthouse and affordable housing credits all at the same time. Might be the thing to do there in hitting on Hecht with the fear of property values going down when the Sureno gang builds a few drug houses. Nope, that won't work. We've already got a few of those on the assessor roster in Pitco.

Speaking of DiSalvo, nobody's seen much of him since the awaynement. He'd have good insight though and here's a way to get him redeemed.

Garco BOCC's got Jankovsky wrestling with trying to get more tourism dollars and development in and Martin getting a little too cocky that he's going to be a shoo-in come election time. Maybe he ought to be thinking more about having to campaign in west Glenwood and Carbondale. At night.

Owesley, Hatfield and Richards are locked in a closet somewhere trying to figure out how to stroke for Blankenship and RFTA's latest handout request for compressed nat gas on the new bus system. Not sure if they even know there's a world outside of Aspen's closet. Pryor's boys might be able to talk them out and give them a walk-a-bout to figure it all out.

Other than that taking time, my friend.

You're dead on.

newcastle said...

So...Sheriff Vallario's TAG program is the single source housing of gang information that tied all these counties together?

Anonymous said...

RealSheriffJoe Joe Arpaio

I will be launching another illegal immigration operation tomorrow. This is not a trick.

31 Oct

RealSheriffJoe Joe Arpaio

I will be starting my operation soon with a different twist.

1 Nov

WingMan said...

newcastle, way I heard it's in Vallario's press release. TAG had the linking info that pulled it all together. Now could be wrong but sounds to me like that info ties to what anonymous up there on this thread said. I'd agree with being glad we've got enough cops that're ahead of the thing. Got to worry about how fast the growth is though. We're starting to sound like the front range. I think ultimate answer is in the politics because that gets the resources to the men and women in the field. Thinking about it either being you right wingnuts dominating in '12 and we'll have Newt or Perry. Both of them will turn a lot of power back to state. That makes local and county elections for commish, sheriffs, district attorneys and councils a million times over more important.

hotmama said...

Nanny, I've got to start reading the blog every day you're just getting way too big to take a look every few weeks. I had no idea. It looks great. What I want to know about this news on this probably Sureno gang banger mini-teens story is where is our Glenwood Springs "stay safe in Eagle" Mayor Matt Steckler? And Leo, where are you? How rude and also alarming it is to see you rush to the front pages in defense of groups like CIRC and people like Brendan Greene but not say a word when we have news like these young bangers. Boy, is it going to be great to get you out of office soon, Leo. You too, Matt.

Garcia said...

People might not realize that cops are taxpayers and voters too. Can you imagine having to do a job like they do, get paid but then have to pay your taxes and such so your wages, equipment, tools, vehicles and training? One hand holds the gun and badge and the other hand holds the bill that pays for it. And our commissioners and district can't give them more operations approved?

Anonymous said...

Vallario may be on it now but for a long time wasn't. He needs to be a lot more proactive by sweeping 10 times more illegals than he is now.

Anonymous said...

We have to remember that Vallario has no immigration power only ICE has the power to arrest based on legal status. So he can only round up those that ICE will go after and with the new we will not enforce immigration laws stance from Obama I'm not sure how many he can persuade them to do.

Anonymous said...

It's the one biggest thing our boots on the ground need, anon.

Our sheriffs, chiefs and prosecutors are also the biggest and strongest leverage to get that.

Can't have it all ways even if there are a lot of voters and activists who work to get everything that's needed. Not unless our leaders in law enforcement get active politically too. At least the ones that're politicians besides being a cop.

Look at Arpaio. Not popular in any way to many but elected term after term after term because the people recognize he's doing the whole job. Vallario is not a politician, he's well liked and even loved and respected by many. But he could do a lot more for his beliefs and causes and his own officers by planting himself square in front of the politics.

When we've got violent cartels moving into this area who use twitter and facebook while they lobby the corrupt we've got a lot more going on than people can handle. It's just way too big for the common folks.

Not sayin don't try but am just sayin.