January 28, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Charlie Leonard "Inalienable Rights"

My goodness.

Between Charlie Leonard and Maurice Emmer, Mayor Mick is having a tough week.

"..So, when Hecht suggested he might pay fewer development and affordable fees and housing fees and reduce his parking requirements in exchange for dramatically reducing his development rights by preserving Little Annie's and the Benton building, the mayor dishonored himself and his office by falsely accusing Mr. Hecht of being a “blackmailer.”

Even if you don't like Mr. Hecht, his original plan to tear down his buildings, or his proposal to reduce his city-imposed development fees and requirements, it is not an act of blackmail for a property owner to offer to pay fewer fees in exchange for giving something of real value to the city.

After seeing the mayor's letters last week, however, I developed a different theory. My theory is Hecht may have learned through secret sources that the mayor had read and believed the silly nonsense contained in Robert Frank's book and threatened to out him.

But then again, like the mayor's plan to control our economic activity through zoning laws, it's just a theory...."

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