January 12, 2012

SandBox Comments: KKCO 11 News "Paonia residents riled up at possible land exchange "

Thank goodness.

Within a matter of a few weeks, Bill Koch gets his deal with the locals and can go live in peace.  We end this ludicrous grandstanding by environmentalists.

"A second mountain bike trail would also be built in the exchange, and opposition says this is destructive to the forest.

But those for the exchange say it would actually help the public, and improve the land they already have access to.

"We've tried to enhance that opportunity by moving up north to an area we can provide OHV access, ATV, equestrian and all users," Bear Ranch manager Rob Gill said.

Koch also just wants to have his property all in one piece.

"There's very few people I think that if they owned this ranch, they wouldn't want to consolidate it," Gill said.

The meeting gives the town council to take sides on the matter, but nothing was decided Wednesday because there weren't enough council members in attendance to make it a regular meeting.

It should all be settled at the next meeting in a few weeks.

11 News will keep you posted on what happens next....."

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