January 14, 2012

SandBox Comments: Pueblo Chieftain "Schwartz: Allow sales of home-prepared food "

SandBox sends out a thank you to Colorado State Senator Gail Schwartz (D-Snowmass).


For being so successful over the past few weeks in her media blitz.

We had almost forgotten 'why' she was so unpopular with her district's voters she barely squeezed by on a handful of votes margin to a win at mid-terms.

One of the quirks about Schwartz are her endless rants when she has a bill she really wishes to put through. 

Masterful at feminine manipulation, Schwartz unloads the full arsenal until everyone is so weary they simply pull away or in the case of brave enough politicians,  lash back calling a spade a spade. 

Well known to voters for her elitist posturing and facial expressions while presenting; Schwartz campaign at mid-terms was plagued by the now infamous ad  depicting her head  and one of her familiar facial expressions photo-shopped on the body of Donald Trump.  The caption, of course:  "You're fired!".

Folks have had a difficult time trying to figure out why Schwartz was so outraged since it was a near daily pose for her.  The conclusion?

That's not exactly the way Gail sees herself.

What's wrong with this now second, third or fourth attempt to force her 'home-cooked meals' bill through?  Besides the fact that her district has so many higher priority issues she should be working on?

Could it possibly be this new outrageous attempt to meet its inherent defect by trying to push the health dept. concerns and costs over to the seller of the goods?

Gail,  how about really trying..in your last term ever..to focus on say, maybe..the growing homeless population in your district and the growing ranks in our welfare and food kitchen lines?  Or, maybe....jobs and the economy.  A living wage for Pitkin County workers....the list goes on.

"DENVERSen. Gail Schwartz has whipped up of a fresh proposal that would allow foods prepared in home kitchens to be sold in Colorado.

She ran a similar piece of legislation last year, but it was spoiled by objections from health departments that it would create a burdensome inspection load for them......

......Schwartz’s bill this year omitted the requirement that Rep. Laura Bradford, R-Colbran, introduced in HB27 this week. It would legalize the sale of food produced in home kitchens, but require proprietors to register with local health departments....."

(Read more?  Click title. Comment to discuss)

1 comment:

jbend said...

My god.

"Let's all just do a little lunch, shall we?"

Let the small business peons pay.

Tell us, you (what was it she won by, 10 votes?) few Grande Dames of Aspen that pushed her over the top. Do you regret it yet?