February 8, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "Commissioners pooh-pooh $95 million private aviation plan"

(See related story and comments here)

Sure "$95 million" is way, way over the top.

But "$25 million" that will only accomplish bare bones to meet the existing needs and leaves the door wide open for continued inadequate service to the private jet sector at Sardy Field is stunningly short sighted. 

Even for this batch of PitCo commissioners.

 The primary reason for digging in their heels before even getting out of the gate was glossed over very well by rhetoric filled declarations over money, phasing, etc. etc. etc.

With minds likely to have been made up prior to presentation, one finds that 'real reason' tucked in to this piece by Andrew Travers off the Aspen Daily News:

"...Commissioner George Newman and others specifically took issue with the west-side development, fearing it would erode the rural character of the Owl Creek Road neighborhood and possibly add industrial traffic to the road...."  (Read more?  Click title)
"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

1 comment:

sumfu said...

If they met in the middle at around $45 million for each phase, they would have the thing paid off in less than 3 years. This is what the Crown family caters to and what they want Aspen to be. Maybe its time to flex some political muscle again and nudge their BOCC. Then hand select some new ones come election time.