February 27, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Union Leader "The ghosts of Watergate"

George Will:
"IN 1960, when Thomas Mallon was in the fourth grade, he wore his Nixon-Lodge button to school and warned classmates that John Kennedy was too inexperienced to be President. Mallon was crushed when Richard Nixon lost, but things worked out well. He is a novelist for whom Nixon eventually provided interesting characters.

They're back. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, James McCord, John Dean, Bob Haldeman, Fred LaRue, Gordon Liddy, John and Martha Mitchell, Jeb Magruder, Charles Colson, Herbert Kalmbach, Gordon Strachan, Rose Mary Woods, Anthony (“Tough Tony”) Ulasewicz and others. These were the dramatis personae of the scandal — actually a mare's nest of scandals — that began to become public 40 years ago this coming June 17..."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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