March 30, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Aspen Times "Basalt plant will power 40 homes"

Wow...imagine that.  With very little money taken off the backs  of the folks, no drama, no lawsuits, no petitions, no special elections and no government power abuses; the Town of Basalt leads their folks to a new era in clean energy.

Kudos to the Town of Basalt for leading by example.

Say YES to Glenn Rappaport for Mayor and keep that balance going.

Scott Condon:
"BASALT — As Aspen engages in civil war over a proposed hydroelectric plant that will tap Maroon and Castle Creeks, Basalt has quietly completed a less controversial micro-hydroelectric plant that will generate power for as many as 40 homes in the town.

The town government teamed with Holy Cross Energy to build a facility that takes advantage of water being piped down from Basalt Mountain to the town's treatment plant to produce power.

“All we did was plumb this in line,” said Bentley Henderson, Basalt's public works director, while showing the new turbine and generator used to produce power.

The system will generate roughly 300,000 kilowatt-hours annually, Henderson said. That will power between 30 and 40 houses and reduce greenhouse-gas production by an estimated 500,000 pounds annually, he said...."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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