March 23, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Derek Franz "The catch of a lifetime"

Derek Franz:
"What have I done? Look how much I have left to do — how will I amount to anything?” is the feeling. With all the mounting material pressures, I sometimes get confused about the priority of my wants: What do I want most in life, from one second to the next?

I want to feel the cold river pull through my fingers like a stream of thought on a hot day, a reminder of how physical and mental realities coexist and mirror each other, perhaps even manifest each other; a reminder that my life is magical if I make it so.

The dog seems to be thinking the same thing. Her brown, floppy ears perk out, complementing her wide doggie smile with a pink tongue. I grab the leash and we're off to the edge of the Roaring Fork, though I don't know it yet. Sometimes a person has to wander to find wonder, and wonder to find purpose.

There is an art to wandering. It requires a weird combination of initiative, aimless contentment and recognizing what you want when you see it. I'm also finding that sometimes the element of initiative is not straightforward at all, which is fitting, since this is wandering we're talking about...." 
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