March 26, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Town Hall/Bob Beauprez "A Teacher Saving Lots of Lives"

Bob Beauprez:
"It is a common cliché; "You changed my life." But, how many people really do? 

Tom Tillapaugh not only changes lives; he literally saves them. Lots of them. 

In 1985 Tom was led by his faith to begin an education ministry in Denver for the most seriously at risk, often forgotten, kids in society. He launched the Denver StreetSchool on East Colfax with the financial help of a business man and three kids in desperate need of help. 

His model is built on four principles:
1. Small schools – typically only 50-60 kids
2. Small Classes – limit of 10
3. Strong interlocking relationships – adults willing to be "extremely inconvenienced"
4. A Christian School – Jesus "gives hope and purpose to even want to try."

Tom says the schools are run like an intensive care ward in a hospital. We need "adults who will pour themselves into these kids," he says. Saving and changing lives requires "sacrificial intervention into the lives of these kids by loving, caring adults to the point of extreme inconvenience." 

What's that mean? "Doing something during the work day is not sacrificial, that's your job – what are you doing with the kid at 10:00 at night?" Tom asks. And, he walks the talk. Tom had to identify the body of a murdered student because he was considered next-of-kin. He held another as she died with AIDS. Tom and his wife routinely open their home to needy kids. As many as seven students – and their babies – have lived with Tom and his wife at one time...."  (Read more?  Click title)
"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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