April 10, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Hillicon Valley "Hackers strike over cybersecurity bill"

(See related stories here and here)

This type of internet crime just pulled off by 'Anonymous' "hacktivists" is the type of internet crime that CISPA appears to target.

The problem seems to be that some of the language within CISPA is still too broad and needs to be tightened up.

SandBox agrees, when it comes to this radical group and these types of acts,  with USTelecom CEO Walter McCormick Jr:

Andrew Feinberg and Brendan Sasso:
"USTelecom CEO Walter McCormick Jr. blasted Anonymous for trying to "coerce, intimidate and stifle speech."

"Ironically, by their actions Anonymous hacktivists underscore the importance of speedy action on the bipartisan Rogers-Ruppersberger legislation to ensure that the Internet remains an open and safe forum for all," McCormick said in a statement....."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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