September 24, 2011

SandBox Comments: Craig Daily Press "Dinosaur Town Council, Ute tribe exploring casino project agreement"

Just say, YES!!!

Gaming and lottery proceeds in Colorado fund Parks and Rec.  Except for a small amount of gaming proceeds that fund post secondary education.

Not millions of dollars per year, but billions of dollars per year is the bottom line when our gaming industry stacks into our lottery sales.

Imagine if we followed the example of other states in the nation.

Split the total gains between funding for our public education system, road and bridge, conservation, human services and parks and rec.

Yowza!  A cash cow.

Now, wouldn't that be better than adding more onto the already burdened backs of the folks?

Imagine 'West Glenwood Ghettos' with a small, completely restricted to meet the concerns of all the folks on the potential unsavory aspects of bringing in gaming; casino.  Or maybe Snowmass Village.  Or Edwards.

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1 comment:

hammerandnails said...

Hope this flies, long overdue that gaming broadened out in appropriate spots in Colorado.

The idea of all that sin and booze floating around Aspenites may be a little worrisome but the way I look at it, can't be much worse than what they've got up there.

Think about a really ultra high-end casino in Snowmass. Only things that ever limit something like that fitting in anywhere are imaginations of architects, developers and builders who have no imagination. It's like changing the way we restrict ourselves in our government budgets by strapping in and locking in language that removes control from the localized municipal governing bodies. There's no reason to limit anything, give control to the people who live there. Let them build up their own kitty from reserves and let them cover their needs. Same thing goes in these kinds of deals with something like gaming. Or even oil and gas deals.

It's business so make it good business and what you want.

Dunno, though Nanny.

All that sin and booze.