September 24, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Paul Nitze "Deregulation isn't the answer"

It is such a great column this week.  From Paul Nitze.

Up on The Aspen Times.

Nitze often captures the balance in the middle that many conservatives crave from liberal values. 

Too bad Nitze not only didn't use enough care in choosing an on point headline; meandering along the 'Ayn Rand' path with great content, only to end up with this buzz killer statement is disappointing:

"There is no substitute for a coordinated effort, led by the federal government..." (Paul Nitze)

 What's up with that liberal Pavlovian response that it has to be the federal government that runs everything?

Wonder what would happen if someone as capable and astute as Paul Nitze took a walk on the wild side of life with some of those middle of the road conservatives instead of hand-in-hand with Ayn Rand? 

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

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