September 18, 2011

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Kathleen Parker "Stupid is as stupid does"

"yahoo and hell yeah!"

"SandBox Nanny' gives her first 'nod' of the day to the pen of Ms. Kathleen Parker via The Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

"GOP pop quiz: With whom would you rather roll your dice — a Harvard lawyer who wants government to bankroll jobs through higher taxes? Or a Texas A&M grad/Air Force pilot who has successfully run one of the largest states in the country? ...

....It is far easier to say what is pleasing to the ear than what is true. Even so, anyone who thinks Republicans are stupid is missing the point. What those dummies Bush and Perry have in common, other than having been Texas governors, pilots and cheerleaders (what is it with Texas?), is that they're not stupid at all.

This doesn't mean they're right about everything or even most things. But they're smart enough to know that most people in this country didn't go to Ivy League colleges — or any college for that matter. Most haven't led privileged lives of any sort, but nonetheless have unspoiled hearts and are willing to help any who would help themselves.

This is the essence of the so-called ordinary American. Self-reliant, individualistic, entrepreneurial, neighborly and strong. These people come in both Republican and Democratic flavors, though we've somehow lost sight of that in these hyper-partisan, sound-bite times.

Until someone emerges to remind Americans of who they are in a way that neither insults their intelligence nor condescends to their less- fortunate circumstances, smart money goes to the “stupid” politicians, who are dumb as foxes and happy as clams when their opponents misunderestimate them...."

(Kathleen Parker)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The old saying that Democrats have tried for years to hijack is that if you want to live like a Democrat, vote Republican.
