October 1, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "ZG: Aspen on the little screen, surprises on big screen"

That Aspen icon, larger in life than any other Aspen icon, is actually someone/some thing that locals have a difficult time remembering exactly who or what 'ZG' is.

If you talk to 'downvalley' folks, 'ZG' represents just about everything 'Aspen'.

Depending on who you talk to 'upvalley', 'ZG' is everything  the old Aspenites would fight to the death to stand alongside (or) that 'ZG' is the 'best license plate letters' to have on your car because it means you're 'a local'.  Some say 'ZG' is a political statement.

What no one disputes, is that 'ZG' brings up a reminder of Aspen.

SandBox Nanny, upon encountering a pointed and somewhat  mocking comment, allegedly from 'ZG' him/her self when she posted a piece on 'downvalley'  folks' opinion of 'ZG' encountering the joys of jury duty; decided to let the 'downvalley' avatars in commentary 'give 'ol 'ZG' (whatever it means) a little insight into how they really feel about the symbolism of 'ZG'. 

Before getting bumped by hotter topics, that post and commentary was the most popular post on SandBox for a number of months.

How good it was, to see the 'real' 'ZG' come out from his/her secluded hideaway.  Rumored to be a hidden lair, located on the backside of a remote mountain somewhere.  And once again share his/her/it's unique insight into all things that touch Aspen and The Valley.

Today, SandBox Nanny is appreciative of these unique views of, 'ZG':

"..Filmgoers were required to leave their cell phones at check-in and were sworn to secrecy by signing a waiver promising not to reveal what they were about to watch. Aspen’s not a town where secrets are easily kept, and locals’ opinions flow like wine. Not only is the secret out ..."

"Is all this a sign? Or should we keep the faith in Kyle Orton?..."
(Aspen Daily News)

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