October 1, 2011

SandBox Comments: Craig Daily Press "Dinosaur officials: Casino could help revitalize economy"

It's big, big news.

That the Utes may build a casino in Dinosaur, Colorado.

Did you know that Johnny Boyd recently wrote an opinion column up on The Snowmass Sun, talking up the long-held view of locals that gaming should be brought into the area?

Have you been listening to the multitudes of downvalley locals who've talked up, for years now, bringing gaming in to Glenwood Springs and Rifle?


Ah, then you might be 'one of those' in the deaf, dumb and blind elite category of social classes in our area.

What SandBox hears the peeps just sayin, is that the concept is a bit like the current wrestling with his conscience that Glenwood City Councilman Ted Edmonds has going on.

Over whether or not to fall hook, line and sinker for the way the city finance department is trying to sell 'no ability to ever change' the way government money is handled.

The peeps  seem to have this notion that we could make a casino or gaming venue 'look' like anything we want. 

That the citizenry and our elected leaders are in charge of getting as creative as we want to be. 

By gosh, by golly, the thing could end up looking as classy as the Little Nell. 

Maybe it could even be strictly regulated to keep out the 'riff-raff'.

Heck, the peeps are even sayin that they would consider a 'ban on locals' if it meant the same blue-bloods with a lot of dough that frequent Monte Carlo would come and drop some change at the tables.

Anything goes! 

The folks like the idea of increasing Colorado gaming revenues into a very high dollar cash cow that would pay for our kids public education, 'doing something' with I-70 congestion, road and bridge needs, etc. etc. etc. and leaving them with their hard-earned money in their own pockets.

Just say YES!!

To Dinosaur, Colorado becoming a gaming mecca.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

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