October 23, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News/Dave Danforth "Those who forget history"

"We don’t read enough history. But we do blame lawyers for lots of things. And for things they can’t get done.

It was something they couldn’t do that may bring home all U.S. troops in Iraq by the end of the year.

Imagine what lawyers can accomplish by doing nothing. Multiple world leaders, two American presidents, over one million troops fighting abroad for eight years, over 4,000 casualties (not including Iraqi civilians) and countless political brawls could not bring an end to hostilities there.

Instead, leave it to a little scuffle over American demands that our troops get immunity from prosecution. When Iraqis, unexpectedly, wouldn’t agree, President Obama felt he had little choice but to abide by a Dec. 31 deadline negotiated by President Bush to get us out of Iraq...."
(Dave Danforth)

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"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

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