October 4, 2011

SandBox Comments: Colorado Statesman " O! "

Detect a slight tone of skepticism as Obama declares himself "a warrior for the working class" here in Colorado?

"President Barack Obama brought the campaign for his jobs bill to a sun-drenched parking lot outside Abraham Lincoln High School in southwest Denver on Tuesday.

Calling himself a “warrior for the working class,” a peppy Obama repeatedly urged Republicans in Congress to “pass the bill,” a $447 million proposal he said combines tax cuts for working families and small businesses with increased spending on infrastructure and government jobs, including teachers..."
(Ernest Luning)

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


Lee Mulcahy said...

Obama? A working class hero?

How about a traitor to the American Middle Class? Restore the American Dream.

A pain threshold has been met in this country.

jbend said...

Obama doesn't stand a prayer in Colorado in '12. Nobama here.

At this point, he's sunk lower than Carter ever got. Every day there's more Dem's bailing. Today on the call for Holder to go under special counsel attention for Fast and Furious is probably going to be one of the last straws. Dem's already sent the message today that they're not running with his jobs plan.

Approval rating the lowest in history.

Coloradans need jobs and getting our hands on the control of our own money. Hick needs to gather up the good work he's done so far, before he loses steam and make some bold moves with the ideas.

Get education and road and bridge off our backs. Get these tourism hacks rounded up and really put together regional tourism promotions.

If we don't and it looks like things are starting to slip into neutral, we're going to regret it.

Long winter coming up.

There is no middle class anymore, Lee. All of the so-called wealthy small businesses hitting that $250K mark each year don't have savings anymore. They used to budget, especially construction, for the slow dips. No savings, low earnings now and going on the 3rd year mark. Not good.

And Obama wants to tax them hard.

He can't go too soon.