October 29, 2011

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Silt trying to get $1.8M to upgrade town water system"

Does SandBox Nanny 'have it in' for John Colson?

Absolutely not.

Does John Colson deliberately poke, prod, antagonize and otherwise borderline abuse  his power as a local investigative reporter?


Has he done so for years?

Pretty much.

John Colson is often seen by locals as a 'radical liberal'.  A 'moonbat'.  A 'left loon'.  All proudly carried by John  titles in his weekly column  "Hit and Run", up on The Aspen Times.

The question SandBox Nanny has for Colson today on this article, is related to how obvious it is that he's struggling with having to put out 'clean' and 'no yellow ink' reports.

Yesterday the hit on the Town of Silt was angst at the lack of childcare for the Silt anti-gas group.

Today, Colson seems to imply that the Town of Silt should go round up money it does not have, and do a capital improvement on the water system because of a couple of fairly unsubstantiated water quality issues over the past two years.

 If Nanny recalls correctly, the issues had something to do with illegal sewage dumping by a local company.

Here's the question for John Colson:

Is there anything the general public can do, to help you ease into some kind of comfort level with your new role of community oriented reporting?

We'll be glad to help.

just sayin.

SandBox Nanny sends out another big thank you to Silt Mayor Dave Moore and his administration.

For holding the line on not spending more than what comes in.

For still managing, within the first balanced budget in many a year; to keep Silt not only thriving but growing.

For being creative in finding this terrific grant money that will take the burden off the backs of the folks out here paying taxes.

Keep up the great work.

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Anonymous said...

Glad to see somebody else noticed this. We're working hard in Silt to live within our means, grow our community and keep our belts tight during these tough times. John Colson has always had it in for everything Silt and that's grown old and stale. If we get this grant we've saved well over a million dollars. How much did that wastewater tx plant cost you all up in Glenwood? How long will you be paying for it is the better question. Silt's water is excellent. Come on down and have a glass on us.

MR said...

It's a job that needs to get done and I'm glad there might be some help. Problem I've got is that grant money comes from somewhere and all places are paid for by taxpayers. If Silt can hang in there and not use money that belongs to the people then Moore should do that. We have got worse times coming and this madness of spending what we don't have has got to be contained. Thought that was Dave's creed.