October 29, 2011

SandBox Comments: KREX 5 "Father and Son Found With 49 Pounds of Pot"

"Mesa County - A father and son face a number of charges after an officer discovered 49 pounds of marijuana in their vehicle. 32-year-old Dionel Gutierrez and his father, 57-year-old Oscar Gutierrez, were arrested on I-70 near Mack when a Drug Task Force deputy noticed their SUV drifting on to the shoulder repeatedly...."
(Christina Marrazza)

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Sac said...

That drug sniffing K-9 officer running the highway in the Mack area is doing a great job.

Mind if I search your vehicle, sir? Then goes and leashes up the officer of the day to lend a hand.

Keep up the good work.

MR said...

That they should Sac. It's real good work. All this stepping up of news on the cartels and violence is a lot stronger than it was in the past when it first came up for Junction. It's a worrisome thing and our cops need to really stay the course now and get hard, hard tough. Not let anything take hold.

Good boy, K-9 drug dog. Good boy.