October 8, 2011

SandBox Comments: Grand Junction Daily Sentinel/Dennis Webb "Carbondale medical pot shop closed; owner held"

What a shame this had to happen now, just when locals are finally making some headway with local governments to take a second look at the viability of medical marijuana in our communities.

Now, the likelihood of 'spin-doctor' elected officials and journalists attempting to discredit the validity of those locals, will be able to point toward David Edgar and just chalk up the problems to a 'bad apple'.

Reality, is that medical marijuana is illegal on federal levels. The Feds can, will and are showing strong signs that they've warned enough already; shut down any marijuana use or enterprise.

On state and federal levels there is no banking ability, no ability to own or purchase a firearm if you are on file as a user of the drug. 

There is no ability to conduct business in the community with leases, credit card processing or obtaining insurances and loans. 

There is no ability, when the technical interpretation of Colorado law is upheld, to even operate a dispensary. 

Put all these things together with the 'bad apples' that sell without a buyer having an MMJ card.  Or worse, go to the lengths David Edgar has.  And we haven't even touched the moral differences of opinion, the politics or community impacts.

What a shame this bust happening now is.  SandBox hopes that local activists in Glenwood Springs and RE-1 don't get discouraged or allow certain elected officials who advocate MMJ to sway you off your path.

Maybe the entire situation will get 'lucky' and the Feds will finally shut down, rather than bust, a few local shops and grow operations that are simply trying to operate within state law.

We would agree with the Feds that enough warning has taken place.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


hammerandnails said...

Wonder if the Feds and local cops know how many of us have baited the local pot shops in Glenwood Springs.

Call them up. Just do it. Tell them any excuse you want about why you don't have a patient card.

"Come on in. We'll take care of you" is the standard MO.

Don't our leaders think it's about time to crack down on these shops and make sure they're all above board?

Anonymous said...

Why aren’t the cops doing anything about the ones in Glenwood Springs that let just anybody walk in the door, card or not and buy?