November 28, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "Secrets in the city"

".....Most of my friends are pretty opinionated, and not one of them gives a damn whether anyone sees those ballots. The only people who do are those who work for the city, and I’m beginning to wonder what they trying to hide. Seems the city has better things to do with my money.

And as long as we are talking about money, I’m wondering how much it’s going to cost to prosecute our local (alleged) drug dealers. When you take into account how old these guys are it’s going to cost plenty. First we have the cost of incarceration, and then we have to add the cost of medical care for older folks, not to mention the cost of adult diapers.

Look, if these guys were hanging out at the elementary school force feeding drugs to our kids I’d be the first to say string them up, but all they were doing was filling a demand that this city has had for years and years. Assuming they did it, they are kinda like pharmacists.

Many years ago I came up with an idea that I thought would clear the courts of victimless crimes. The idea is that each member of the jury must write a check when they find someone guilty — put your money where your verdict is, so to speak. As a juror you are going to be asking yourself, “How much is this going to cost me?”

Now if you think about it, some people would go free and some laws would be found to be really stupid. On the other hand, some jurors would go to the bank and get a loan to put someone away. Rape, robbery, Bernie Madoff? Where’s my checkbook? Selling something to someone who asked for it? Mmm, not so fast.

Well, I think it’s a good idea. What do you think?..."
(Sheldon Fingerman)

(Great column from Fingerman.  Be sure to click the title and read the rest.  Comment to discuss)

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