December 8, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News: "City Hall braces for second legal battle over release of voted ballots"

“It’s the first time in 20 years I’ve had to sue someone,” City Attorney John Worcester said.

A local judge has granted the request to keep the ballots past the six-month window. A status conference on the more substantive issue of whether the 2011 ballots can be released will be scheduled soon, Worcester said.

After the city filed the petition, Milias withdrew her request, while Marks filed an identical one.

Milias said she withdrew her request because she had no interest in racking up legal fees when there are others who are willing to see the issue through the legal process.

“Anytime they say no [to a CORA request] they are inherently saying if you really want it, sue us,” Milias said.

When asked why she wanted to see the ballots, Milias said the 2011 election was probably “as clean as any election that has ever been conducted” because the city had the “adult supervision” of Pitkin County elections manager Dwight Shellman, who advised on election procedures this time around.

Milias said she wants to see how the ballots are kept, and verify that they are in fact anonymous and untraceable..."
(Andrew Travers)

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1 comment:

Ben said...

The only thing that might feel as good as finally getting Mick out of office is to fire Worcester. Could this guy be any more irresponsible?