December 8, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Elected officials need a calculator"

Yes, Elizabeth.  They most certainly do. 

This topic of completely footing the bill for We-Cycle program founders Mirte Mallory and Philip Jeffreys to launch a private small business is one that has been hot among commentators for months.

Set aside the idiocy of the dollar amount they're asking for and the projections on selling a product that is unlikely to sell at even half of projections; do not forget that this subsidy was verbally granted by commissioners and council at a time and over the needs of Aspen's low-income childcare program.

Yes, thank goodness for Pitkin County Commissioner Robb Ittner.  That brave Republican that took the leap into the Blue Sea at mid-terms.

He has a calculator and a clue.

(Read Elizabeth's letter?  Click title.  Comment to discuss)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

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