December 9, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "Obama supporter unhinged"

How important is 'public opinion'?

We all care about what others think of us.  In some cases, our entire sense of self is wrapped up in that need.  In other cases, public view is capitalized on.  In still other cases the internal need for public recognition manifests itself out into forcing the engagement of others into interacting with you.  There are those that choose to experiment with manipulating, either positive or negative, public perceptions of themselves. And some who normally would never give up their privacy yet find themselves forced into the public eye and under intense scrutiny to the point where public perception is out of their control.

What category do a strong number of locals think Carl Heck of Aspen falls into?

Probably Door  #4 in the choices up there.

But then, Carl is mostly about personal gain and politics.

And politics is certainly not paddy-cake.

Which actually places Carl Heck behind Door #5 in the choices above and his 'victims' behind Door #6.

The good news is that same large group of locals are on to Carl's bag of tricks.

Great letter today from Illya Lenin regarding Carl Heck.


(This is addressed to letter writer Carl Heck).

Hysterics and liberal emotional derangement never garner facts. You apparently are unhinged now; then imagine your insanity when any one of these GOP “clowns” absolutely destroys the bumbling and teleprompterless president in a real debate about his accomplishments and the overwhelming withdrawal of public support for the direction and debt this fool has heaped onto all of us. Make an attempt at being intellectual. Name one thing ObaMao, your fake liberal God on earth, has accomplished that hasn’t usurped our Constitution, cost trillions or laid the ground work for his type of class warfare."
(Illya Lenin, Basalt)

(Comment to discuss)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When a man hounds a woman as much as Heck hounds Milias it does not mean that he doesn't like her.

Heck, get some help or just get a room.